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Free talk
  • 2003/10/05 06:35

トーランスにある大きいCommunity college、エルカミノカレッジ。ここはなかなか授業が厳しく、よってトランスファー率が非常によい、日本人も多いとってもCOOLな学校です。しかし、香港人組織、台湾人組織、韓国人組織のようにでっかい日本人組織はエルカミにはない!!!つまり協力するってこと!同じ国の人間同士助け合おうではないか!!そこで私が開設いたしましたこのスーパーELCO便利帳2003!!楽勝でGradeAをGETだぜ!とりあえずエルコの生徒のみんな!楽な先生、楽なクラス、Cheatingの仕方(笑)、ELCOの便利な情報をがんがん投稿しよう!卒業生の協力があると尚助かります!とりあえず今日は私の知っているELCO便利情報をサマライズしましょう!ESLは比較的らくなクラスが多いです、このひと、Puglisi,Robertは楽チンで有名。100パーセントPassできます。でも勉強したい人はこのひと、Weir,Deborahをとりましょう!彼女は教え方進み方が非常にGOOD、でも怠けるとFailしちゃう人もいます。English1Aや1CになるとESLじゃない先生を模索するひともいますね。ならこのひと、McMahon,Jeffrey、Uyemura,Evelyn、Shimaura,Jan、このひと達をとれば最低BはGETできます。他にも地理はエビナー、アンソロはリグビー、オーシャン、ジオロジーはフィールディング、ヒストリーはユーラ、まあ楽な先生はいっぱいいますよ。でもそれなりの努力は必要ですよ。とにかく効率よく、のびのびと勉強したいひと、エルカミStudent全員一丸となって情報交換しましょう!がんがんエルコっちゃいましょう!!

  • えるかみの様
  • 2004/11/10 (Wed) 12:45
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  • flux
  • 2004/11/10 (Wed) 20:20
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To #275, I'm a MESA facilitator in physics 1A in El Camino. Physics 1A is a hard class, but if you have taken physics 1B in Japan, it won't turn to that hard for you. Physics 1B in japan is physics Physics 1A and 1B in El Camino. Physics 2 in Japan is Physics 1C and 1D in Elco. Physics 11 and 12 here is similar to physics A in Japan, which discuss more about phenomena but not about details.

If you are majoring in physics, maybe you better take Mr. Leonardo or Kadomoto. They provide very creative problems and you will have fun. But I'm not sure if you will have A. Mr. Kadomoto could be little bit more difficult.

In their lecture, Mr. Leonardo lectures with many example problems while Mr. Kadomoto lectures more consepts. Personaly, I like Mr. Leonardo the best in physics department because I like to apply idea to real problems. His examples are also very interesting.

Mr.Vakill is relatively easy. There would be about 10% A's in his class. His lecture includes both concepts and examples. I would say he is the easiest teacher.

As far as I saw students in my workshop, many of Kadomoto's students dropped his class....which is very sad...
I think students in Mr. Leonardo's class understand concept better than Mr. Vakill's class. In my workshop, students from Vakill's class are just playing with equations while students from Leonardo's class try to understand physical idea of equations.

I might do the facilitator in next spring again. If you have a hard time in your phys 1A, come to my workshop and get A!!! I need more attendance..... Good Luck!!!

  • flux
  • 2004/11/10 (Wed) 20:24
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About the lab, it's totally different from physics 11 or 12 so expect hard calculations and reports.


I'm majoring in applied physics and applied mathematics. I'm applying for transfer now, and i finished most of my requirements include chem 1A 1B, math up to 270, and physics 1A to 1C (1D in next spring!). For science classes, let me describe good teachers and bad teachers.

Chemistry Department

Dr. Shankweiler is the best. Other teachers are at almost same level. Their problem is grading system. I used to be a TA of a certain instructor in Laboratory of chem 1B, but his grading key was suck. Personaly, I would say chemistry 1A and 1B are very hard. I don't think Dr. Shankweiler would teach chem 1A, but she might teach 1B. Go to her fuculty webpage from HP of El Camino, and ask her if she's planning to teach chem 1B. She is basically for organic chem class, which is 7A and 7B, so it's good to have a connection with her if you are majoring in Bio, Chem, PhysChem or those kinds. In other teachers' classes, you need a good luch to get A. I had a good luck, and i was only one A in the class. I know more than 100 students took chem 1A ever, but most of them got C. Chem 1A is harder than 1B. You better go to another college to take this class, or expect study extremely hard to get A.

Mathematics Department

I know only teachers for above math 190. I like J.Cohen a lot. His lecture is very interesting, and gets the points. Also relatively easy I think. Mr. Semmenof is also good teacher. I would rank Mr. Safadi as No.2 teacher in mathematic department. He is very knowledgeble, and gets to the point straight. He also teaches at USC.
Mr. Paul Yun would be the best professor personally. He is very very knowledgeble. He has fun to teach his class, thus you can go to his office and bag him more than an hour to solve math questions. Take him for calculus or differential equations. His lecture of Math 270 was awesome.

For science classes, papers from previous semesters won't be useful oftenly. Sometimes it might be. And we have to keep up through the entire semester because everything is step by step. If you miss concepts in the first exam, then game is over. Also, in physics and mathematics, there are millions way of solving problems. Therefore, papers would be useful only for practicing. Maybe students can get A until math 191 without understanding concepts, but not in 220 and 270. That never happens in physics 1A to 1D or Chem 1A&1B because there is bunch of info in each topic, which woul overload your short term memory. Good Luck science students!! Give me an email if you have any question. i think it is very good to help each other since my friends helped me s lot in my first semester!


by the way, I'm japanese

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