최신내용부터 전체표시



고민 / 상담
  • りさです
  • 2005/03/22 05:14


友人で(アメリカンチャイニーズ)高校中退者でもうすぐ30近くになるんですが パイロットを目指している人がいます。将来はキャセイパシフィックのエアラインパイロットになりたいそうです。

パイロットになるには学歴や学力がなくても実力や努力だけでなれるものなのですか? 彼は学費を5万ドルもう払っており 数年後にはパイロットになる気でいるのですが そんな簡単になれますか? 

  • スヌーピーII
  • 2005/03/22 (Tue) 21:55
  • 신고

Department of Laborが出してるQualificationは下記の様な感じで学歴に関しては触れていませんが、High School Drop Outでは難しいかも。こちらでは高校は義務教育だし。
All pilots who are paid to transport passengers or cargo must have a commercial pilot's license with an instrument rating issued by the FAA. Helicopter pilots must hold a commercial pilot's certificate with a helicopter rating. To qualify for these licenses, applicants must be at least 18 years old and have at least 250 hours of flight experience. The experience required can be reduced through participation in certain flight school curricula approved by the FAA. Applicants also must pass a strict physical examination to make sure that they are in good health and have 20/20 vision with or without glasses, good hearing, and no physical handicaps that could impair their performance. They must pass a written test that includes questions on the principles of safe flight, navigation techniques, and FAA regulations, and must demonstrate their flying ability to FAA or designated examiners.

“ エアラインパイロットになるには ” 에 대해 기입한 내용의 유효기간이 끝났습니다
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