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Chat Gratis
  • Igo wa Saikou!
  • 2004/01/03 09:16

Akemasite Shinnen Omedetou

Taiwanjin desukedo mukasi Tokyo 4 nenkun soondeimasita.

Can somebody tell me where I can rent Japanese Videos in LA? (Hollywood area or downtown) I live in Korean Town and there's only Korean videos I am longing to watch Japanese variety shows and pick up my japanese again!

igo suki na kata ishoni igo utou !

  • David2003
  • 2004/01/04 (Sun) 10:35
  • Informe

If you would like to Rent Japanese Video, go to Little Tokyo.

There are some Japanese Rental Video Store.

1. In front of "Miyako Hotel"
2. Inside Little Tokyo Mall

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