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out of status

Preocupaciones / Consulta
  • aira
  • Correo
  • 2008/09/15 13:38

I'm marrige with My husband(citizen) for 2years.
He went to jail 2month ago.
I only have student visa, but I'm having financial problem.
I can't even go back japan because I can't pay for airplane ticket.
Now,I'm staying in homeless shelter.
My school saied I am aout of staatus.
Is anyway I can get work visa or green card for free??

  • mikachan55
  • 2008/09/15 (Mon) 14:59
  • Informe

airaさん アメリカ人と結婚している2年の間、GCの申請をしてなかったんですか??

  • ジェイP
  • 2008/09/15 (Mon) 15:17
  • Informe


  • mopa
  • 2008/09/15 (Mon) 22:59
  • Informe



Hello. I am wondering why you did not file an application for adjustment of status when you married your husband two years ago....
Anyway, if your husband is in jail and you cannot pay for the tuition to maintain your F1 status, your best choice is to go back to Japan. You should ask your parents or friends to pay for the ticket because there is no choice. If you can pay for adjustment of status, there may be a way for you to remain in the U.S. However, you most likely have to consult a lawyer since your husband is in jail. It costs to adjust status to permanent resident. The application fee itself is over 1000USD. Also, you have to pay for physical exam fee, which can cost anywhere from 250USD to more than 450USD. So, if you cannot pay for them, you just have to go back to Japan and start from there. Please do not risk anything because that can be a trouble when you try to apply for GC later on.

Good Luck!

  • 武田哲子
  • 2008/09/16 (Tue) 11:46
  • Informe

永住権の申請には、申請費用が380ドルくらいかかります。 その他健康診断と予防接種に300ドルくらいかかります。 タダでやる、というわけにはいかないので、私だったら何かヤミのバイトをまず探しますね。 ウエイトレスとかいくらでも探せばあるでしょう? 毎日何やってるのですか?

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