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25401. あけおめ(2kview/5res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2003/01/02 10:23
25402. ダイヤルアップ接続できない(2kview/4res) Chat Gratis 2003/01/02 03:19
25403. 指輪どこで買ってる?(1kview/3res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2003/01/01 02:43
25404. カウントダウン(1kview/2res) Chat Gratis 2003/01/01 01:51
25405. カウントダウン(1kview/8res) Chat Gratis 2003/01/01 01:48
25406. カウントダウンに向かって意気込むスレ(1kview/2res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/31 20:57
25407. 野球(1kview/0res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/31 20:49
25408. 紅白の時間(1kview/3res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/31 19:55
25409. GOLDYN(1kview/1res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/31 11:38
25410. 日本にいるひとたちへ(2kview/1res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/31 07:19

what do you thinking about Japan?

Chat Gratis
  • yo yo
  • 2002/12/29 16:51

I want to know how you think about japan from live in America. Example: economic, life style and japanese people who live in japan.


U 2



×what do you thinking about japan?

○what do u think about japan or
what r u thinking about japan




I think that Japan is a cool safe place to hang out and have fun!!


>how you think about japan

With my brain.

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