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Got an accident but No insurance!!!

Chat Gratis

I just got into an accident today. Is was 100% his fault but the thing is I have no insurance.. If someone have same kind of experience please help me!!!

  • エドッコ
  • 2003/10/03 (Fri) 15:16
  • Informe


しかし保険に入っていなかったことは罰則として受け入れなければならないようで、多分保険に加入するか DMV に保証金を積むまで免許は保留になるはずです。


ここは何でも訴訟と保険が絡む国なので、最低 Liability だけでも入っておきましょう。




  • JK
  • 2003/10/07 (Tue) 19:14
  • Informe

Thank you for writing me back. I heard that I can get the money to fix my car and go to hospital but I really dont want my license to get suspended. I need to drive everyday. In this case, I sould just leave them alone and keep my license?? I know thats my fault to drive with no insurance but SONANO KUYASHIIYO-!!!! Because the accident was 100% his fault. Is there any good way to keep my license clear and get my car fixed?? Please somebody help me-!!!

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