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261. Please let me know about the recommended courier c...(1kview/3res) Problem / Need advice 2023/01/30 18:15
262. Dongdongkoi Real Estate(2kview/9res) Question 2023/01/30 17:23
263. Apartment eviction: 、、、、(6kview/40res) Question 2023/01/28 16:08
264. Mold on ceiling(4kview/19res) Problem / Need advice 2023/01/26 00:42
265. Round-trip ticket price to Japan(4kview/6res) Free talk 2023/01/25 22:59
266. insomnia(3kview/16res) Problem / Need advice 2023/01/23 17:04
267. 悩み(4kview/63res) Problem / Need advice 2023/01/22 23:52
268. Sales expiration date display😏 @ Japanese-affiliat...(1kview/4res) Free talk 2023/01/21 00:10
269. Games that everyone is playing(1kview/4res) Free talk 2023/01/19 18:25
270. Isn't Amazon's response terrible these days?(60kview/119res) Problem / Need advice 2023/01/19 15:48

Please let me know about the recommended courier company when moving from LA to Tokyo.

Problem / Need advice
  • k
  • mail
  • 2023/01/20 23:52

Recommended courier companies for moving from LA to Tokyo ( Other than Yamato and Nippon Express ) If anyone has any recommendations, we would appreciate it if you could let us know.
Thank you in advance for your time.

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Dongdongkoi Real Estate

  • ケン
  • mail
  • 2023/01/27 10:19

It was about 15 years ago …

Do you know any real estate


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Apartment eviction: 、、、、

  • mail
  • 2023/01/09 19:24

Nice to meet you.

I am currently in LA, and I heard a rumor from a neighbor that the owner is putting his property up for sale and the current residents may be evicted.

I have lived in my current apartment for about 10 years, do I have to comply with these evictions?

I also heard that you can get some "eviction fee" for eviction, but I doubt it.

I am wondering if it would be better to consult a lawyer or something and proceed, but

if anyone has had this experience, I would appreciate some feedback.

Thank you.

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  • っh
  • 2023/01/11 (Wed) 12:21
  • Report

I was evicted in 30 days by the court. Eviction fee "0".

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  • 相手による
  • 2023/01/11 (Wed) 12:59
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The brazen ones know that legal action can take six months or more, so they stay as long as they can.

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  • 感動
  • 2023/01/11 (Wed) 14:12
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The courts are busy, so the decision is immediate. No waste of taxpayer money.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2023/01/11 (Wed) 15:08
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If the owner imposes unreasonable demands on the tenant after a trial
the judgment will be in favor of the tenant and the tenant will have to pay compensation.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2023/01/12 (Thu) 06:53
  • Report

The person who got $70,000 and moved out
cannot live in the apartment because the owner is going to do seismic work
removing all of the apartment floor and putting in a steel frame for reinforcement.
Tenants are doing seismic work on the parking lot by looking at other apartments while they live there.
The owner withdrew the case and
he could live in it without any problem, as he didn't win the case to evict him in court.

Also, the tenant had to pay a part of the cost of the seismic work
but he left it alone for about 2 years, so it seems that the statute of limitations has expired and he can no longer get the money.

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Mold on ceiling

Problem / Need advice
  • 最悪です
  • mail
  • 2023/01/23 12:58

I humidify every night, but the mold has spread all at once to the ceiling. I am panicking because it spread so quickly.

I cannot stop humidification. My throat can't stand the dryness. First of all, I have to clean it, but it is the ceiling, so I wondered how to do it.

I think it is too much to spray bleach, but do you guys have experience with this kind of thing ? Please tell me how to clean it, what cleaning tools and chemicals I should use, and what to do in the future. Please do.

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Round-trip ticket price to Japan

Free talk
  • HK
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  • 2023/01/23 18:33

Which airline do you all buy your tickets to Japan from ? I checked with the Japanese airlines, but Expedia is more than $300 cheaper. ( Ticket changes are not allowed )
But since I have only ever purchased from Japanese airlines, I am worried about problems and reliability. 
But nowadays, all tickets are e-tickets and payment is made by credit card and online, so I wonder if the credibility is the same

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Problem / Need advice
  • Sleep
  • mail
  • 2023/01/16 15:58

I am suffering from insomnia. I used to get prescription sleeping pills from my doctor, but I am having trouble because my doctor can no longer prescribe sleeping pills. If you know of any doctors who can prescribe sleeping pills, please let me know. Thank you in advance.

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Problem / Need advice
  • myu
  • mail
  • 2023/01/19 09:21

そして今回のコートはverdict の為でジューリーが最初に加わりverdict (最終決定)迄少なくとも1週間、そして状況によってはよっては、それ以上になると言われてホテル滞在を10日に予約しました。
今の私の悩みは、義理の妹と10日も同じ部屋、並んだベッドで寝るのが嫌なんです。勿論ベッドは2つで彼女と同じベッドで寝るわけでないのですが。私は彼女が若い時から稀にみるデブちゃんで、そのせいか60で未婚、性格もちょっと、今は手術して体型も普通の中年デブ程度になったんですけど。久しぶりにzoom で見た彼女の顔は「なんとアグリー!」という印象。見てるだけでうつになってしまいそうです。そんな彼女と10日も同じ部屋で過ごす(日中はコートですが)今から気が滅入ります。
$169per day,でも今、いっそセパレート ルームをと検討してます。そうすると2部屋で多分トータル$250はするので金額が大変ですが、10日の滞在で私の気持ちがうつになりよりはいいか?と思案中です。明日 金曜日迄ホテル予約キャンセル可能です。長々とすみません。

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皆さん ありがとうございます。
計算したら別部屋だけで$1850extra です
Oh No 嫌いな人の為にそんなお金使いたくない
普通のおじさんと一緒の部屋の方が まだマシと思う位。
そして この地域はカリフォルニアと違い雪が降り去年はストームで町中がクローズ状態で大変でした。
Uber eatで夕食頼んだら3時間かかり、雪道をレンタカーも大変。でホテルは何処にも徒歩で行ける距離にしたんですUberに頼らず夕食も食べれる大きなモールも徒歩4分です。

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  • 性格悪い
  • 2023/01/19 (Thu) 13:44
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  • 俺もそう思う
  • 2023/01/19 (Thu) 15:23
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  • 痴呆老人
  • 2023/01/19 (Thu) 15:28
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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2023/01/19 (Thu) 15:35
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Sales expiration date display😏 @ Japanese-affiliated market

Free talk
  • まる
  • mail
  • 2023/01/20 13:32

Some vegetables do not have sell-by dates printed on their labels, is this OK ?
Do you judge them by their appearance ??

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Games that everyone is playing

Free talk
  • ゲーム二キ
  • mail
  • 2023/01/18 10:57

I'd like to start some new games, so if you have any recommendations, please let me know.
Preferably online, Switch or smartphone app, please.

By the way, I've been playing Brosta and Pokemon lately.

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Isn't Amazon's response terrible these days?

Problem / Need advice
  • アマゾソ
  • mail
  • 2022/11/05 19:13

Isn't Amazon's response terrible these days?

Even if you return an item, you may not get the full amount back because it arrived at Amazon after the return period. They sent me an item that was not what I ordered and told me I had to buy it again because they couldn't send me the item I ordered. Or, they send you something you didn't order and you have to buy it back because they can't send you the item you ordered.

The previous one said, "We are sorry, we will send you a new one right away. We will send you a new one right away. Please use the one you have." But now it's like, "Sorry, we'll send you a new one right away.

Has the company policy changed or is it just me?

How about you?

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  • 🍅
  • 2022/12/27 (Tue) 18:43
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I see more address labels directly affixed to products.
That's surprising for nothing.

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  • アマゾソ
  • 2023/01/12 (Thu) 22:11
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I was screwed again. They said they handed it to the resident, but no one was home at the time. I called customer service and they said they delivered it to the correct address and would not refund me or do anything. I asked how they could hand-deliver it when no one was home and they unilaterally disconnected the chat with no response. 😤

Please be careful everyone. 😢

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2023/01/14 (Sat) 08:32
  • Report

93 If it was hand-delivered to a resident, I would assume it would be signed by the recipient.

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  • amazon customer
  • 2023/01/14 (Sat) 09:30
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The most secure and almost trouble free is
Sold by Amazon / Ships From Amazon / Free Return

The next most secure is
Sold by xxx / Ships From Amazon / Free Return
The dangerous ones are
Sold by xxx / Ships From xxx / -----

There are a few exceptions, but of course the risk increases as you move from top to bottom, while the price decreases. We recommend that you at least check the Free Return before purchasing.

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  • 🍅
  • 2023/01/14 (Sat) 09:57
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Don't count on the status of the delivery.
More than 10 times it was shown as delivered in person but was left at the door.
Once, to my surprise, it was marked delivered, but nowhere to be found... Ended up being thrown on the second floor balcony.
I imagine they must have tossed the box from in front of the door on the first floor, which impressed me in a way.
My day job, throwing a cannonball ?.

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