
1. まさかトランプが勝つとは思わなかった。(6kview/152res) สนทนาฟรี เมื่อวานนี้ 23:21
2. 独り言Plus(443kview/3995res) สนทนาฟรี เมื่อวานนี้ 18:22
3. 2025ロスファイア(866view/26res) สนทนาฟรี เมื่อวานนี้ 15:43
4. ロサンゼルスで日本語で学べる料理教室について(273view/9res) คำถาม / สอบถาม เมื่อวานนี้ 12:18
5. オーバーステイ後の結婚、グリーンカード(2kview/43res) ปัญหา / ปรึกษาหารือ เมื่อวานนี้ 09:02
6. マイクロソフト社を名乗る不愉快な連中(48view/1res) เทคโนโลยี เมื่อวานนี้ 07:51
7. ウッサムッ(312kview/610res) สนทนาฟรี 2025/01/11 23:46
8. ナルシシスト/アスペルガーのパートナーの精神的虐待(404view/11res) ปัญหา / ปรึกษาหารือ 2025/01/10 17:36
9. これは詐欺メールでしょうか・・・・(651view/16res) คำถาม / สอบถาม 2025/01/05 19:19
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หัวข้อประเด็น (Topic)


ปัญหา / ปรึกษาหารือ
  • syapa69
  • 2009/11/23 15:46







やはり宗教的なものがあるのかな。 選択の余地が無かったのかな。 産んでも育てられるんだ、と思った。 行政がどれだけ援助しているかは知らないがフードスタンプくらいはすぐにくれるのだろう。








とりあえず産んで養子に出す?結婚する???? しないだろう。










だから とりあえず なんです。わかる人とわからない人がいるとは思いますが、いやだいやだと思っていても生まれたら急にかわいくなったと言う母親もいます。生んでみたらかわいくて、自分の人生を犠牲にしてでも(極端な言い方ですが)育てたいと思うかもしれない。思うことができなかったらロサンゼルスは消防署が何も言わずに赤ちゃんを引き取ってくれます。

The Safely Surrendered Baby Law

Are you pregnant and have decided not to keep your baby after delivery? Did you know that, as the parent, you can drop off your baby at Safe Surrender Sites?

The Safely Surrendered Baby Law allows parents to drop off their baby to any County fire station or hospital emergency room without fear of prosecution.

No Questions Asked, Guaranteed Confidentiality, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Why is California doing this?

The purpose of the Safely Surrender Baby Law is to protect babies from being abandoned by their parents and potentially being hurt or killed. You have seen the televised tragic stories of babies left in dumpsters, alleys, public bathrooms and other places. The parents who committed these acts may have been under severe emotional distress. The mothers may have hidden their pregnancy, fearful of what would happen if their families found out. Because they were afraid and had nowhere to turn for help, they abandoned their infants. Abandoning the child is dangerous, illegal and tragically results in the baby’s death. Because of the Safely Surrendered Baby Law, this tragedy doesn’t ever have to happen in California again!

A Baby’s Story
At 8:30 am . on Thursday, July 25, 2002 , a healthy newborn baby was brought to St. Bernardino Medical Center in San Bernardino under the provisions of the California Safely Surrendered Baby Law. As the law states, the baby’s mother did not have to identify herself. When the baby was brought to the emergency room, he was examined by a pediatrician, who determined that the baby was healthy and doing fine. He was placed with a loving family while the adoption process was started. Every baby deserves a chance for a healthy life. If someone you know is considering abandoning a newborn, let her know there are other options. What happens to the baby? The baby will be examined by firefighters (or hospital staff) and given medical treatment, if needed. Then the baby will be placed in a pre-adoptive home. It is best that women seek help to receive proper medical care and counseling while they are pregnant. If you know anyone who is pregnant and considering abandonment, please let them know that they can safely surrender their babies into the safe hands of any Los Angeles County firefighter or hospital medical professional.

Read the FAQ and if you need more info visit


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. What is the Safely Surrendered Baby Law?
A. California’s Safely Surrendered Baby Law allows parents to give up their baby confidentially. As long as the baby has not been abused or neglected, parents may give up their newborn without fear of arrest or prosecution.

Q. How does it work?
A. A distressed parent who is unable or unwilling to care for a baby can legally, confidentially and safely give up a baby within three days of birth. The baby must be handed to an employee at a Los Angeles County emergency room or fire station. As long as the child shows no signs of abuse or neglect, no name or other information is required. In case the parent changes his or her mind at a later date and wants the baby back, workers will use bracelets to help connect them to each other. One bracelet will be placed on the baby, and a matching bracelet will be given to the parent.

Q. What if a parent wants the baby back?
A. Parents who change their minds can begin the process of reclaiming their newborns within 14 days. These parents should call the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services at 1-800-540-4000.

Q. Can only a parent bring in the baby?
A. In most cases, a parent will bring in the baby. The law allows other people to bring in the baby if they have legal custody.

Q. Does the parent have to call before bringing in the baby?
A. No. A parent can bring in a baby anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so long as the parent gives the baby to someone who works at the hospital or fire station.

Q. Does a parent have to tell anything to the people taking the baby?
A. No. However, hospital personnel will ask the parent to fill out a questionnaire designed to gather important medical history information, which is very useful in caring for the child. Although encouraged, filling out the questionnaire is not required.

Q. What happens to the parent?
A. Once the parent(s) has safely turned over the baby, they are free to go.

Q. Why is California doing this?
A. The purpose of the Safely Surrendered Baby Law is to protect babies from being abandoned by their parents and potentially being hurt or killed. You may have heard tragic stories of babies left in dumpsters or public bathrooms. The parents who committed these acts may have been under severe emotional distress. The mothers may have hidden their pregnancies, fearful of what would happen if their families found out. Because they were afraid and had nowhere to turn for help, they abandoned their infants. Abandoning a baby puts the child in extreme danger. It is also illegal. Too often, it results in the baby’s death. Because of the Safely Surrendered Baby Law, this tragedy doesn’t ever have to happen in California again.

สิ้นสุดระยะเวลาสำหรับการเขียนลงเว็บ สำหรับ“ 彼女が妊娠しました。 ” 
ในกรณีที่ต้องการทำหัวข้อเดียวกันต่อไป กรุณาสร้างหัวข้อใหม่