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Chat Gratis
  • 🤒
  • 2020/04/24 22:16

今日100度あった 汗かいたからくしゃみはでてきや

  • 💩
  • 2020/04/25 (Sat) 07:37
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  • 😳
  • 2020/04/25 (Sat) 13:06
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  • 2020/04/25 (Sat) 13:12
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  • ぷっ!
  • 2020/04/25 (Sat) 15:58
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  • 🤒
  • 2020/04/25 (Sat) 21:26
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#6 またでた 何処にでも顔出すJane と名乗った英語の下手な人だー


IQ180 って数字が意味する事がわかっていないからこういう事をいう

140 and over : If you have an IQ range of 140 and over, it means you are a genius or almost genius.

120 - 139 : With an IQ of 120 to 139, it means you have very superior intelligence and your intelligence is better than most. A superior intelligence means that your intelligence is better than most people but not as high as those with an IQ of 140.

110 - 119 : On the other hand, if you have an IQ of 110-119, it means you have a superior intelligence and that means that your intelligence is on middle ground- which means that it is high but not higher than most.

90 - 109 : When you have an intelligence of 90-109, it means that you have an intelligence of normal or average people. Normal thinking means that you are less intelligent and generally have a slower thinking. So people who cannot get to the solution or are slower in thinking will mean that they have normal intelligence.

80 - 89 : On the other hand, if you have an intelligence of 80-89, that means you are a dull person. A dull person or boring person means that they generally tend to indulge in things that are too enjoyable. Dull people tend not to indulge in things that are too demanding.

Below 80 : Give it another try :) maybe you will see the logic behind some questions after several tries. Also make sure you didn't leave some questions unanswered, leaving a question unanswered will g

  • 🤒
  • 2020/04/25 (Sat) 21:29
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1 to 24: Profound mental disability
25 to 39: Severe mental disability
40 to 54: Moderate mental disability
55 to 69: Mild mental disability
70 to 84: Borderline mental disability
85 to 114: Average intelligence
115 to 129: Above average; bright
130 to 144: Moderately gifted
145 to 159: Highly gifted
160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted
180 and up: Profoundly gifted

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