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契約事 物品購入 REBATEのトラブル!!

Chat Gratis
  • 無駄な出費を避ける
  • 2003/08/26 08:40

契約社会のアメリカでおきた契約 購入トラブル。
(重複スレないはず。。 確認した。)

  • やまとです
  • 2003/08/26 (Tue) 20:58
  • Informe

ちゃんと聞いてからおっけぇといいましょう。英語不足はいいわけになりません はい 笑


私も先日MAIL IN REBATEを送っていたSearsから”却下された”というハガキが送られてきてビックリ。”オリジナルフォームではなかった”というのが理由。



という投稿はなしの方向で、解決策をお互い交換するとか、 どこに気をつけろとかいう掲示があると助かる。

  • mimis
  • 2003/08/27 (Wed) 18:28
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Harbor Blvd の日系スーパーマーケットで、セール品で堂々と入り口に置かれていた商品をレジで定価で打たれたので、カスタマーサービスの女性に「値段間違ってると思います」と言ったら無言で値段を調べに行って、一言「クレジットカード」と手を伸ばしてきて、カードを渡したらリファンド処理して、また無言でカードを私に返して、無言でレシートを渡されました。一言でも「間違ってスミマセン」と言われたら気分良く店を出られたのに。。ここはオーバーチャージしても謝らないんだなと思いました。

costamesa のミツ* マーケットの奥にあるベーカリーとカレー屋の店長?みたいな小さなオバサンからも同じ様に値段の間違いを尋ねたら、凄い顔して睨まれました。この女性の顔がメチャ怖かったけど、私が悪い事してる訳じゃないからリファンドしてもらいましたが、すっごく感じ悪かったので、もう行きたく無いな。。。。


  • 物品購入のトラブル。
  • 2003/08/27 (Wed) 22:17
  • Informe

結局たらいまわしにされて相手も誠意をもって対応する気がないみたいです。折角なので かなり環視がぬけてたりコンマのうちそびれ等のミスが多いですが、どんな状況だったかが分ると思うので、状況がわかるメールを書き込んでおきます。契約書を片っ端から読むのも日本ですらあまりないかもしれませんがやはりざらっとよむのでは未然に防げないなと思いました。
I orderd a dsl service. like this way " I'd like to use dsl service."
I didn't tell "I'd like to use home networking service"
At that time , I confirmed my order gonna be cost around $30 each month. However operator just say "Yes"
How do I know he took my order as a not only dsl service and he took mistake?

Because I didn't know homenetworking's term and I just want to use one computer.
Even when I get the installation kit, I didn't find out this device which I have right now is wrong. Here's reason.

1.Your order comfirmation didn't say I'm taking a optional service for someone who would like to use more than 2 computers ,and it cost extra charge.
2.The manual's figures are different of my device(2 wire 1000s). There's no figure this device to connect more than 2 computers.Basically this manual seems be covered to connect one computer and it's not enough to customer who figure out to connect other computer.
3.I didn't get any estimate which saying how much does it cost each month.

You earthlink didn't confirm the deference of normal dsl service and home networking at the confirmation phone call.
At that time someone just tell me whether I have a problem or not to connect internet, and the person didn't ask me 'how about to connect another computer?".

I called again customer care. Unfortunately the customer care didn't admit you earthlink's fault. Make matters worse , the person cut the line suddenly!!

The reason of it's over 30days, and I signed up the rebate form. You earthlink can't correct my order appropriately.
In my memory , home networking rebate form didn't say this service is optional service of dsl and it's different device for normal dsl.
It makes customer confuse home portal is normal dsl service device.
You earthlink customer care who is online regard my requirement as a cancellation and you'll charge termination fee even I'm saying I still use dsl service.
You had better to compensate operator's fault, and to correct my order without charge and give me back I've already paid as a home networking service.

If you tell me I ordered home net working service , let me see the proof, or let me listen what I said.(because your automatic answer machine saying monitor or recorded anytime.)

Even so, If you can't accept I'd like to know who's going to charge this problem in lawsuit.
I have to tell my family bond lawyer. Your correspondence is abominable and it's enough not only require to admit to correct my order but also to have a pain-and-suffering lawsuit .

Actually termination charge is not big bad I feel so terrible because it's not my fault.
I don't want to make this big deal but I can't accept that you didn't admit your earthlink's operator mistake.

I hope you give me a good solution.Don't forward this problem to the another operator who contact only on a phone.
It's fine to forward someone who care about law unless you can correct my order without any charge.

Then this problem will deal by my family's bond lawyer.


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