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Motorcycle licence in Los Angeles

  • Nobo
  • 메일
  • 2020/02/29 23:06


  • GG
  • 2020/03/01 (Sun) 11:01
  • 신고

DMVのページに21才以下はmotorcycle rider training courseの修了書を提示しないといけないと書いてあるよ。ついでにmotorcycle rider training courseについて説明してるページでどこで受講すればよいか探せるようになってる。

If you are under 21, you must provide a completion certificate from the motorcycle rider training course.

The Motorcyclist Training Course (MTC) is a 15 hour course which includes 5-hours of classroom instruction and 10 hours of actual riding. The MTC is mandatory for those under the age of 21, but is also recommended to those 21 and older who are seeking to obtain a motorcycle endorsement on their California driver license.


How Do I apply if I'm over 18?
Applying for your motorcycle license is similar to applying for a driver license. Being over 18, gives you a few perks, you will need to take a vision test, knowledge test and driving test. You can successfully complete a motorcycle basic rider course and have the driving test waived.

  • Nobo
  • 2020/03/02 (Mon) 19:29
  • 신고


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