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1. 独り言Plus(425kview/3931res) Chat Gratis Hoy 18:57
2. これは詐欺メールでしょうか・・・・(98view/3res) Pregunta Ayer 18:18
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Chat Gratis
  • matoba1
  • Correo
  • 2010/01/14 09:07


  • K&M
  • 2010/01/14 (Thu) 11:58
  • Informe


  • エドッコ3
  • 2010/01/14 (Thu) 12:29
  • Informe


California has not passed a law regarding this issue. Most authorities believe that it is safe to leave a 12 or 13 year old home alone for a few hours during the day. The child needs to be safe, feel safe, and know how to handle any emergencies.

  • K&M
  • 2010/01/14 (Thu) 17:44
  • Informe

とても気になったので先ほど、Child Welfare Dept.に電話をして聞きました。Countyや市によって多少の差があるらしいです。11,12才くらいは子供によってしっかりした子とそうでない子の差が大きいのでケースバイケースだと言われました。

  • mimi様
  • 2010/01/14 (Thu) 18:17
  • Informe


At what age can a child legally be left alone at home—and for how long?
California law does not specify any particular age. Every situation—and
every child—is different. It could depend on various factors: the child’s level of
maturity and judgment, the time of day, the safety of the neighborhood and the
proximity of another responsible adult who could be available in an emergency.
The legal question would be whether or not the child would be put at risk if he or
she were left alone—whether you could be endangering or neglecting the child.
There are, however, other situations in which it is against the law to leave a child
of a certain age alone. For example, in certain circumstances, children under 7 cannot
be left alone in a car (see Laws that Young Drivers Should Know on the previous page).

  • K&M
  • 2010/01/14 (Thu) 18:34
  • Informe


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