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Amazon & e-bay

고민 / 상담
  • Amazon&e-bay
  • 2005/05/23 09:48

I have one importnat question. I am sorry I can not type in Japanese.
I was using the computer I borrowed from someone, and I used Amazon & e-bay.
It seems like that these web site saved my account name and the password and whenever I visit them, there is my account name such as welcome, XXX(my name).
Could you tell me how I can delete these infomations from these website?
They do not have the number I can call, and I am in trouble.

  • sonicshaker
  • 2005/05/23 (Mon) 15:10
  • 신고



Thank you very much for your message. I didn't see サインアウト on the web. Do you know where it is? 「もし〜さんでなければここをクリック」みたいな箇所, I tried this, but if I go to the website again, my name is still there unless someone else sign in with different name(and that person's name stays instead)

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