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411. Taxes, health insurance, etc. in Japan and the U.S...(6kview/23res) Question 2022/07/14 17:34
412. I want to get back together with my ex-girlfriend ...(69kview/95res) Free talk 2022/07/14 15:57
413. Is there an airport delivery service that can send...(4kview/3res) Problem / Need advice 2022/07/14 14:52
414. Recovering from a broken heart caused by cheating(2kview/9res) Problem / Need advice 2022/07/14 08:20
415. Trial to amend Article 11 of the Nationality Law(2kview/13res) Visa related 2022/07/13 22:19
416. El Marino After School Care(835view/0res) Question 2022/07/13 16:46
417. recession(2kview/5res) Free talk 2022/07/13 14:53
418. alkaline ionized water(3kview/4res) Beauty / Health 2022/07/13 12:45
419. Temporary return to Japan(9kview/55res) Problem / Need advice 2022/07/11 18:38
420. Will Garcy be elected ??(1kview/7res) Free talk 2022/07/10 23:40

Taxes, health insurance, etc. in Japan and the U.S.

  • ここは
  • mail
  • 2022/07/12 13:27

I currently hold US citizenship. To take care of my parents at home, I am an employee of an American company, but I am planning to move to Japan in the next year or so to work remotely for a few years.
So I have a few questions and would appreciate it if anyone knows anything about this. First, I am planning to cancel my health insurance through my company. ?

Is the income for joining the Japanese National Health Insurance based on the calculation that I have no income in Japan? ? If I use my income in the U.S. as a guide, the premiums may be high.

If anyone is familiar with this situation and would be willing to share links to information, I would appreciate it.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 07:42
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# 13 # 16

Citizenship holders are obligated to report their worldwide income, including Japanese income,
in the U.S., even if they do not reside in the U.S.
or have no income in the U.S.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 10:00
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19 Then where do you pay your taxes ? ?
You've never paid taxes in the US.

Don't worry, just report it to the IRS
and go back to the country of the passport you have.

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  • ここは
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 11:42
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Thank you all
for your advice and opinions.
I will use them as a reference.

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  • ぷっ
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 17:22
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It is not up to the person who wrote it to decide if it is fact or not. Only the person who reads it decides if it is fact or not.

I wrote a real experience and you believe it or not. LOL

I see, idiots don't learn, so they seem to spend their old age in a bad way.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 17:34
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23 Whose ?

I'm sure it's your own hype, even though you wrote about your real experience.

It's not hype, but there's no way to check hype posts to make yourself look bigger.

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I want to get back together with my ex-girlfriend who dumped me because she was attracted to other women.

Free talk
  • 復縁レンジャー
  • mail
  • 2022/03/10 13:34

A few years ago, I was dating my ex-girlfriend for about 2 years. During our relationship, a woman of my type confessed her feelings for me, and I dumped my ex-girlfriend and started dating that woman.

It has been a year and a half since I started dating that woman. At first I forgave her everything because she looked like an actress, but now I regret it. If we went out to dinner, she wouldn't give me her purse and she was courting me because of my status. Education, income, occupation, etc.

While I was feeling depressed, I bumped into my ex-girlfriend by chance and she had become beautiful beyond recognition. My ex-girlfriend is a great cook, kind, and a great woman to have as a wife. Do you think there is still a chance for me to get back together with my ex-girlfriend?

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  • こういう人からは離れましょう
  • 2022/03/20 (Sun) 14:48
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When you have lived a certain length of life, you start to avoid danger by anticipating it based on your own knowledge and experience. So when you see someone fail, you can understand why you think, "Why didn't I figure it out before I did it ?? I think there is more to learn by doing and failing than by just not doing and not failing. I understand this when I am a parent. Parents who teach you not to fail. Parents who scold their children when they fail. Parents who can support their children well while watching over them. The way you scold, the timing, and the way you say things can make a big difference in the way your child learns. After I became a parent, I realized that words are for communicating to others, not for saying what I want to say. Therefore, when I am around people who say things that make me feel negatively, I leave their company for the sake of my children because it reflects on me.

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  • つまり
  • 2022/03/20 (Sun) 16:30
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She's got the looks

, she's got the personality

, she's got both, let's find a new one.

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  • 恋愛の取説
  • 2022/03/20 (Sun) 20:58
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> Everyone has their own values and ideas. One's idea is not always right.

Right argument and common sense do not apply to love
There is no reason to love someone
People's hearts cannot be moved by right argument.

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  • ボケ
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 22:22
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There was a woman somewhere who was in a long distance relationship and dragged it out after the guy broke up with her ~
You have no experience with women ? ( lol )

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  • ないな
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 23:10
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It's not so much men and women, but unattractive people who are unattractive.
It's probably because they can't find anyone to write over.

Don't be so sure.

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Is there an airport delivery service that can send my luggage ahead to LAX ??

Problem / Need advice
  • 引越し
  • mail
  • 2022/07/14 00:39

I am taking 4 boxes of cardboard boxes as checked baggage on my return flight from LAX.
Is there a service like Japanese airport delivery service ( like Yamato GPA or JAL ABC that allows me to leave the country empty handed )
a few days in advance and send the boxes to the airport delivery service counter for pick up?
Is there a service that allows me to drop off my luggage at the airport courier counter a few days in advance and pick it up in LAX ?

I am returning home with one child and need to sell my car on the way to the airport
I need to take my child to the airport once to check in my luggage, then take her to the airport to pick up her baggage.
It is very difficult to get out of the airport and go to the used car dealer again.
If I didn't have these 4 cardboard boxes at least I could manage ・ ・ ・.
Is there an airport delivery service to send packages to LAX ?.

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  • モテる男40代半ば
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 02:36
  • Report

I think it would be better if you use Uber SUVs.

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  • ボケ
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 09:47
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LAX doesn't have it, or rather US airports don't have it, I've never seen or heard of it, and no one would think of using it
I don't know why you care about baggage
Usually sent by courier from house to house

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  • SJDummy
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 10:34
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There does not seem to be an airport delivery service, but there are several companies that offer luggage storage services at LAX. For example, why don't you bring your luggage to one of these companies the day before, call them when you arrive at LAX on the day of your flight, and pick up your luggage at the airport? See below.
Blogs of actual users may also be helpful.

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Recovering from a broken heart caused by cheating

Problem / Need advice
  • ami
  • mail
  • 2022/07/13 12:30

A year ago, a man I had been long-distance with for 5 years dumped me
saying he had found someone he liked.

After that, I was shocked and dragged it out for about 6 months, but
I managed to recover and live a normal life now.
The other day I received an e-mail from that person after a long time
I am really sorry. I finally realized how much you mean to me.
I'm sorry to be so selfish, but can we try again?

This was the content.

I told him that I didn't hate him anymore and that I needed to think about it a little.
I am also worried that once I am in a relationship with a man that I like, it will be the same in the future.

If anyone has had a similar experience
should I get back together or not please advise me.

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  • なごみ
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 13:15
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You wrote honestly

> I am also worried that the same thing may happen in the future as this is a man who once liked someone else while we were in a relationship. I think I should make sure to tell him

part of the story.

However, you said you were long distance for 5 years, how many times did you see each other during that time?
Seeing each other face-to-face is not the only way to fall in love, but not seeing each other can damage your relationship little by little.

You can also assume that the reason he is offering to get back together is because he is no longer getting along with the person he fell in love with.
Whether or not a reconciliation is good or bad is a case-by-case basis, so again, ask yourself.
If you think "I myself want to get back together !" instead of being swept away, then I think there is a chance for you to get back together.

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  • ん?
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 15:56
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The guy didn't write in before ?

saying he met someone with the right type of face and dumped her, but he was sick and tired of his new girlfriend being arrogant and not paying him at all.

But hey, it's common for men to want to get back together.
I would say no.

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  • ないな
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 23:02
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Men contact ex-girlfriends because they're the easiest to drop

They think the woman they dumped will always love them.

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  • それ
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 06:58
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I just want to do it.

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  • それ
  • 2022/07/14 (Thu) 08:11
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↑ A woman who never leaves you no matter what is convenient

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Trial to amend Article 11 of the Nationality Law

Visa related
  • T.S
  • mail
  • 2022/07/06 13:48

Topics posted on the information board.
Please see if you are interested.

Trial for amendment of Article 11 of the Nationality Law
Under the current Japanese Nationality Law, a person "automatically" loses Japanese nationality if he/she voluntarily acquires the nationality of another country.
Now, plaintiffs residing in Switzerland and other countries are fighting in court to amend this. I think this is an important trial for those of us living in the US.
There is a petition campaign on to amend Article 11 of the Nationality Law. Currently, about 43,000 votes have been collected, but it would be great if more people would sign the petition. The next trial will be held in September. By the way, I am an individual and not a member of this association.

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  • ボケ
  • 2022/07/07 (Thu) 12:09
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You should pay consumption tax and taxes to Japan and contribute to the economy and welfare of Japan before saying you are in favor of dual citizenship.

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  • gachann
  • 2022/07/08 (Fri) 11:23
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Yes, I think it would be better not to claim too many rights as a person who does not pay taxes in Japan. Also, I am afraid that if dual citizenship is allowed, people from other countries might be able to become Japanese.

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  • T.S
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 15:55
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For those who missed it, here is the link once again to the "Network for Supporting the Lawsuit Against the Unconstitutional Deprivation of Nationality Clause" page. Please take a look if you are interested.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 16:05
  • Report

↑ what do we need dual citizenship for ?

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  • ST
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 22:03
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If you can get benefits just by paying the minimum health insurance fee, which also makes you pay taxes, then it's a win-win situation
And when you shop in Japan, you can show your US passport and get a sales tax exemption
It's great!

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El Marino After School Care

  • culvermama
  • mail
  • 2022/07/12 13:11

My daughter will be enrolled in Kindergarten in El Marino next month. However, the After School ( After School ) programs ( CCUSD, CCARP, iVERBE Ǿ) are all full and on Waitlist. Are there any other after school care or nanny share programs that you are considering? I live in Culver City.

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Free talk
  • もみの木
  • mail
  • 2022/07/11 17:44

I feel like we are about to start a recession. I am worried every day about how long it will take to recover.
I would like to know what I should do to prepare for the future based on your previous examples.

I still haven't bought a house and my rent and living expenses have skyrocketed
I am struggling to make ends meet every month.

Please advise me.

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  • ルームシェアで節約
  • 2022/07/11 (Mon) 18:25
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Car is sold off, food is Amazon Fresh
Work is remote
I don't go out so I don't spend money on clothes or entertainment

I spend the least I can without money

Staying in until the storm passes

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  • 働いたら負け
  • 2022/07/11 (Mon) 18:43
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You could use a food bank or a shelter.

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  • LALALAのおとっつぁん
  • 2022/07/12 (Tue) 06:50
  • Report

Car sold off, can't walk there without legs.

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  • mo
  • 2022/07/13 (Wed) 14:53
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If you are unsure, just earn it. Any way you can. You don't understand that you are in a situation now where you have to worry because you have never taken any action just to say you are worried. But there are many people like this, or rather most of them, and they never act.

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alkaline ionized water

Beauty / Health
  • アルカリイオン水
  • mail
  • 2022/07/11 20:28

I heard that alkaline water is good, so if anyone has used it, could you please tell me which product I should buy ? I looked on Amazon and found Aqua Ionizer Deluxe $ 800, Panasonic Alkaline Ionizer Water Charter Pearl White TK-AS30 - W $ 300, and I am thinking of choosing Panasonic because of the price and the Panasonic name. I don't think I can tell the difference between the two, but since I drink water, I would like to drink something that is good for my health anyway.

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Temporary return to Japan

Problem / Need advice
  • dream12
  • mail
  • 2022/05/23 15:26

Is it acceptable to enter Japan unvaccinated at this time ??

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  • トホホのおとっつぁん
  • 2022/07/10 (Sun) 07:07
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I need to write it down for people who come here to see what insurance they use.
That's kind.

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  • gachann
  • 2022/07/10 (Sun) 11:18
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A colleague of mine paid out of her own pocket with walgreen or something and reibursement to her health insurance company. There are plenty of places that are free if you are in a city or other facility. A drive-through might be a good idea. You could catch corona.

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  • 紅夜叉のおとっつぁん
  • 2022/07/10 (Sun) 11:23
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If I used my company's insurance to get the corona vaccination, I would be fired.

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  • うける
  • 2022/07/10 (Sun) 11:34
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Conspiracy Theorist Idiots Still Scared of Corona ?

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  • No More Free PCR Test?
  • mail
  • 2022/07/11 (Mon) 18:38
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I see that for non-symptomatic or travel use it is not covered by insurance and is self-funded $ 149.

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Will Garcy be elected ??

Free talk
  • You Tuber
  • mail
  • 2022/06/22 08:59

Exposed You Tuber Yoshikazu Higashiya ( Gershie ) has run for office. Do you think he will win ??

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  • 綾野Go
  • 2022/06/22 (Wed) 11:11
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It is not dangerous to return to Japan ?.

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  • You Tuber
  • 2022/06/23 (Thu) 00:00
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It is said that a person can run for office even if he or she is not in Japan, and that campaigning can be done online. If he becomes a member of the Diet, he will be able to return to Japan during the period when the Diet is in session, because he will have the right of arrest. That seems to be one of the reasons why he is running for office.
He has 1.23 million subscribers on YouTube.

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  • やった
  • 2022/07/10 (Sun) 10:03
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Garcy, you won ~ !

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