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1. | Uberドライバーをしている方、どんなかんじですか?(114view/4res) | Trabajar | Ayer 09:31 |
2. | ナルシシスト/アスペルガーのパートナーの精神的虐待(1kview/51res) | Preocupaciones / Consulta | Ayer 08:59 |
3. | 日本旅行に関することは、何でもアリ、のトピ(1014kview/4422res) | Chat Gratis | Ayer 08:31 |
4. | 小学校低学年 春休み何してますか?(277view/3res) | Pregunta | 2025/03/07 20:43 |
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6. | 歯のディープクリーニング(309view/4res) | Pregunta | 2025/03/04 16:26 |
7. | 今の彼でいいかどうか(630view/3res) | Preocupaciones / Consulta | 2025/03/04 07:35 |
8. | 独り言Plus(510kview/4127res) | Chat Gratis | 2025/03/04 00:03 |
9. | 時代も変わった(536view/11res) | Preocupaciones / Consulta | 2025/03/03 14:52 |
10. | 日本への仕送り(436view/7res) | Pregunta | 2025/03/01 16:19 |
- #1
- 英語郎
- 2006/09/19 18:12
日本語は、トピ主の私だけの特権ということにさせて下さい。M(_ _)M
- #2
- Chicken Little
- 2006/09/19 (Tue) 19:31
- Informe
Volunteer, raise your hand and say something.I've seen a many people making fun of other people's English so there should be a lot of qualified English speakers here.I'm chicken enough to leave now.
- #3
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/20 (Wed) 11:08
- Informe
Stupid thread.
It isn't a worthwhile topic.
It is just a junk.
- #4
- Pancho
- 2006/09/20 (Wed) 11:22
- Informe
No! You should talk in English! Cause you're master of this topic! Don't take advantage of us!
- #6
- 英語郎
- 2006/09/20 (Wed) 11:49
- Informe
My English is primary school level.
And I am the one who created this thread.
Accept 特権 reserved only for me.
- #7
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/20 (Wed) 12:10
- Informe
- #8
- Pancho
- 2006/09/20 (Wed) 12:50
- Informe
No,no, 英語郎, Make mistakes, make you better. Don't worry for making mistakes. It's worst thing. Most important thing is using English by yourself.
Even Native speaker are using such English,"He don't do that".
- #9
- 英語郎
- 2006/09/20 (Wed) 13:54
- Informe
>>#7 No Japanese please.
- #10
- observer
- 2006/09/20 (Wed) 16:08
- Informe
I agree.
Sometimes, people have to force something to others to my opinion.
If it is mandatory to speak English, just obey the rule.
If it isn't, it isn't.
Simple is that!
You go laugh at a guy telling him that he speaks lousy English, which is true.
You go keep throwing dirty words to insult the guy, which makes fun to you.
Weeks, months, or sometimes years later, you'll have a major backfire eventually either direct or indirect.
You can catch up me on a slip of my pen telling, "That's got to be directly or indirectly, i.s.o. direct or indirect. Grammatically wrong." but what does that tell you?
It is my strong suggestion not to make a big deal out of it.
Language is language, it's nothing more than that and nothing less than that, neither.
Close your eyes, take a deeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath, relax and calm down.
Realize how tiny things you are concerned too much sensitively.
Go out and go have smoke (if you smoke) and think of it.
If you feel insecure, this is the first thing you've got to do.
- #13
If you order something at reataurant ,food court, or somewhere else, How do you order in conversation.
I know these phrases below.
Can I have (get) 〜?
Let me get 〜 ?
I'll have(take) 〜.
But I want to know other phrases ,like more smart.
Could somebody teach me that ?
- #12
the harder you study english,
the more fluent you can speak it.
- #11
#3 your english sucks!!! no one ever says "It isn't a worthwhile topic." your english is so typical of japanese who sucks at english!!
- #14
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/21 (Thu) 09:53
- Informe
- #15
- Chicken Little
- 2006/09/21 (Thu) 10:21
- Informe
You're nuts, 愛想笑い.
You keep picking other people's faults uselessly.
By the way, your language skill is not verified yet 'cause you refuse to jump in to our battle field.
Are you bl__d or d__f?
The tilte of the thread says "NO JAPANESE!"
Chicken Little! wwwwwwwww
- #16
- pancho
- 2006/09/21 (Thu) 10:38
- Informe
No, #15, #14 is "愛想笑い(blank)".
- #17
- please
- 2006/09/21 (Thu) 11:28
- Informe
I like this thread.
I'd really love to improve my English and I'd like to read other peoples English.
If there is mistake, please let me know.
And if possible, can everyone write that you are native or not?
Because if it is not right English, there will be a problem to learn from the sentence.
Thank you very much..
- #18
- Chicken Little
- 2006/09/21 (Thu) 11:34
- Informe
I don't care who he is.
I just hate his attitude.
That is it.
- #20
#14, can you say that in english? or your english is not good enough?
- #22
- observer
- 2006/09/21 (Thu) 18:14
- Informe
To be honest, I don't like to speak English very much, personally.
Once in a while, I happen to ask myself, "How should I speak a foreign language 24-7 while Americans don't even learn other language(s) than English? It's not fair is it?"
Once in a while?
Wait a sec.
Well, I guess that happens to me quite often times to describe more properly.
One day, one guy came to me and wispered words of wisdom.
"Life is always unfair."
It is!
Guys like me are destined to work hard like crazy no matter what till they hit the age of 65 when social security starts feeding a little small money to them.
Look at people who were born to be rich in the first place.
They enjoy a lot more choices and selections to throughout their lives.
It's not something that you can make a change overnight just like snapping your fingers.
You've got to use tremendous amount of time and energy to equalize your life to theirs.
Yet, nothing guaranteed even.
But the wise man came back to me and said, "That's your life and you have to accept it. You can cry, scream, whine and bitch all day long but think of it. You still have hands to scratch your head, legs to walk to see your girlfriend, foods to fill your stomach, and the most importantly, you are living in the real world. Don't you think you are lucky enough? Don't you think it is a great miracle?"
I do!
Do you?
- #23
- Chicken Little
- 2006/09/21 (Thu) 18:24
- Informe
You have a right to walk away freely.
Nobody is forcing you to join our conversation in this particular topic.
Do not waste your time, do not waste our time neither.
Let me suggest you one thing.
Just go.
- #24
- pancho
- 2006/09/21 (Thu) 18:42
- Informe
I agree with #23. Never mind about us. Don't worry if you make a mistake in speaking English! Take it easy! Come on!
- #25
- nextichiro
- 2006/09/22 (Fri) 00:21
- Informe
Possibly 英語郎=異議あり=Resident officer.
Be the education of the staff
- #26
- observer
- 2006/09/22 (Fri) 09:41
- Informe
>>#25 Nice try!
Close, but not really.
But 英語朗 is a different person.
And I'm not that a highly ranked person, though.
I'm just a regular average guy.
- #27
- What the heck!?
- 2006/09/22 (Fri) 17:56
- Informe
What about it?
- #28
- Cat Woman 1983
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 17:25
- Informe
Hey Mr. observer!
Your English is different from other Japanese persons.
I envy you.
I like to speak good English like you.
How did you learn English?
Are you native English speaker?
- #29
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 21:17
- Informe
Observer is a Japanese.
His English is poor.
Don't overestimate him.
He is a junk Chuzaiin.
- #30
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 21:26
- Informe
- #31
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 21:29
- Informe
- #32
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 21:36
- Informe
- #33
- Axx Hole
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 21:37
- Informe
This is not the first time for you to write Japanse.
You can't speak English good?
That is why you always write Japanese?
Go away!
- #34
- 英語郎
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 21:42
- Informe
- #35
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 21:49
- Informe
- #36
- 英語郎
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 22:23
- Informe
- #37
- 英語郎
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 22:25
- Informe
- #38
- pancho
- 2006/09/23 (Sat) 22:38
- Informe
- #39
- 顔なし
- 2006/09/24 (Sun) 00:14
- Informe
Oh more she loy nug alley knee nutt A kit ah!
- #40
- 顔なし
- 2006/09/24 (Sun) 00:36
- Informe
- #41
- 顔なし
- 2006/09/24 (Sun) 02:33
- Informe
gotch oh on!!
Nut they all A no num are A O two car L no?
- #42
I'm not here (in U.S.) to learn English. I'm here to learn business and it's happened be taught in English, so I leaned it. I don't care if I speak grammatically correct English or not (Come on, I'm not an English major!!) as long as others understand what I'm trying to say. Often time facial expressions, gestures, and passion help communicating with others more than just words.
I become very talkative when I'm talking about something I'm very passionate about. When I talk a lot, people listen to my opinion, and careless about a little things like accuracy of my grammar or pronouciation.
If I stay quiet or only say a few words, everyone pay more attention to my English grammar and pronounciation.
Bottom line.
You can't read if you don't read.
You can's listen if you don't listen.
You can't write if you don't write.
You can't speak if you don't speak.
Language is just one of the tools for communication, not a test! Have fun!
- #43
- 英語郎
- 2006/09/24 (Sun) 07:59
- Informe
>#36&37 だれか分かりませんが私の名を語って何のつもりですか?
- #44
- 英語郎
- 2006/09/24 (Sun) 11:30
- Informe
みなさんどんどん書き込んで下さい。 反省してます。
- #45
- 再キック!
- 2006/09/30 (Sat) 16:59
- Informe
- #46
- 柴
- 2006/09/30 (Sat) 17:06
- Informe
- #47
- ぱんちょ
- 2006/09/30 (Sat) 17:24
- Informe
- #48
- doushite
- 2006/09/30 (Sat) 20:36
- Informe
- #49
- 愛想笑い
- 2006/09/30 (Sat) 21:32
- Informe
- #50
- ○○○○
- 2006/09/30 (Sat) 23:45
- Informe
- #51
- 失笑ですいませんw
- 2006/10/01 (Sun) 08:50
- Informe
- #55
- #56
I can't type Japanese letters with my computer, so let me join! I came here to be an actress as well as many other people in Hollywood. But first of all, I have to speak English fluently to be able to act. I study English from DVD right now. Do you have any good movie to learn English? Or your favorite movies to watch?
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