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  • EIGO2
  • 2015/03/22 10:58

someone takes your money and run away


  • mamm
  • 2015/03/22 (Sun) 11:22
  • 신고

ヒマをもてあましているみたいですね。 こんな時間があったら、ボランティくア活動にがんぱって下さい。 年寄の家を掃除でもしたら? レストランの掃除でもいいですよ。 ボランティアで!!!

It is hard to say in one word. You give us more detail:

1. Relationship between You and Someone. Are they friend and someone just paid for ice cream?
2. How far did she/he run away? From someone's house to your house?
3. How much money? Do we know? $1? 1 million in cash? Or just 1 (one) Peso?

Pls excuse my English if I made mistake.

  • EIGO2
  • 2015/03/22 (Sun) 23:37
  • 신고

えー、私じじばば苦手~~ あなたが暇そうなんでじじばばのボケ防止にお付き合いしたらいかが~?

>Relationship between You and Someone.

正解:A relationship between you and someone.

>Are they friend and someone just paid for ice cream?

1) 正解:
a) Are they friends? Did someone just pay for ice cream?
b) Is she or he a friend? Was someone just paid for ice cream?
Or Were they just paid for icecream?

>How far did she/he run away? From someone's house to your house?

2) How far did she or he run away? Did someone run away from his or her house to your house?

> How much money? Do we know? $1? 1 million in cash? Or just 1 (one) Peso?

3) Do you know how much money was taken?

> Pls excuse my English if I made mistake.

Please excuse me if I give you wrong information.
Please excuse me if you did not understand my English.


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