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  • saimon
  • mail
  • 2015/03/14 18:14

通学中の学校の経営者が逮捕され、学校が閉鎖になりました。 new!
現在、学生ビザでロサンゼルスに留学中ですが、今年の2月から通学していた学校が先週閉鎖されてしまいました。カレッジでしたが、入学前にフロントデスクいわく、週1回学校に来れば問題ないが、必ず週1回は学校に来るように言われました。私は、オンラインでCPAの勉強をしており、そちらに時間を費やすためにその言葉を信じて、その学校を選択し、週1回学校に行っていました。I-20も普通におりましたし、授業も生徒は少ないですが、普通でした。 しかし、どうやら詐欺だったようで、経営者が逮捕されてしまったようで、閉鎖されてしまいまいました。






真剣に悩んでおりますので、誹謗中傷及び、全く根拠のない回答はご遠慮願います。 ( 田中 英俊 )

  • 甘くないです。
  • 2015/03/16 (Mon) 09:20
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2.3. What are the choices for an F-1 student with a Terminated SEVIS record who wants to transfer to another school ?

The student has three choices.

Apply to USCIS for reinstatement before transferring to another school. The student must continue to maintain a full course of study and otherwise abide by the regulations governing F-1 students while USCIS adjudicates the reinstatement. See the USCIS website for information on how to file for reinstatement.

If USCIS denies the reinstatement application , the student must leave the United States immediately or risk being placed in removal proceedings at any time under §237(a)(C)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended.

Request that you transfer the Terminated record to the transfer-in school. You will need confirmation that the student received acceptance to the new school.
On the transfer release date, the transfer-in DSO becomes responsible for the student’s SEVIS record, making the recommendation for reinstatement on the student’s SEVIS record, and issuing the student a new Form I-20 for the reason of reinstatement.
The student will be responsible for properly filing for reinstatement with USCIS. The student must intend to pursue a full course of study at the next available term or within five months, whichever is earlier, at the transfer-in school (8 CFR 214.2 (f)(16)(i)(C)).
The student must begin to attend the transfer-in school in the next available session even if USCIS has not yet adjudicated the application for reinstatement. If USCIS denies the reinstatement application , the student must depart the United States.
Get an Initial Form I-20 from the new school. The student must exit the United States and return as an initial entry in a new F-1 nonimmigrant status (initial admission). A student who chooses this option must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. The student will also lose credit for any time accumulated toward qualification for benefits such as optional or curricular practical training (CPT).

If the student’s visa is valid, the student does not need a new visa if returning to the United States within five months of the exit date. If the student has a Terminated record because of a failure to maintain status or has violated any provision of the INA, as amended, the student may be denied re-entry to the United States under §212(a)(6)(G) of the INA, as amended.

しかし、「The student must continue to maintain a full course of study」これをされていなかったので、無理ですね。

  • saimon
  • 2015/03/16 (Mon) 10:00
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  • saimon
  • 2015/03/16 (Mon) 10:01
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漢字間違えていました。X最前 ▶︎ ○最善

  • 敗北のパサポルテ
  • 2015/03/16 (Mon) 12:25
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学費 入学金を返さず

経営陣のpublic data今度は良く見ましょう!!

  • JC828
  • 2015/03/16 (Mon) 12:36
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