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7711. parking ticket(1kview/1res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2010/06/13 23:48
7712. トラウマが消えません(10kview/74res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2010/06/13 14:33
7713. 良いシャンプー・トリートメント教えて!!(3kview/13res) Chat Gratis 2010/06/12 20:26
7714. LA AAA自動車保険(1kview/0res) Chat Gratis 2010/06/12 12:11
7715. ヴァイオリン教室、または先生を探しています。(1kview/1res) Chat Gratis 2010/06/12 10:58
7716. 水いぼ?(2kview/1res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2010/06/11 20:43
7717. BOAについて(1kview/1res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2010/06/11 12:40
7718. ラスベガスで結婚、その後日本への届出について(7kview/17res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2010/06/11 11:59
7719. H1Bの職歴の換算について(2kview/6res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2010/06/11 11:29
7720. 美術館(961view/2res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2010/06/11 11:29


Preocupaciones / Consulta
  • H1Bトランスファー
  • Correo
  • 2010/06/08 11:57







  • Regulation
  • 2010/06/08 (Tue) 23:16
  • Informe

はじめまして。BAの代わりに職歴を使う場合は、H-1Bを請願されたSpecialty Occupationに関連している必要があるようです。また、ご自信のSoecialty Occupationに関する職歴を証明するために(i)-(V)のいずれかを提出する必要があるようです。

以下はUSCISの8 CFR Sec. 214 2(h)から抜粋したものです。

( 5 ) A determination by the Service that t he equivalent of the degree required by the specialty occupation has been acquired through a combination of education, specialized training, and/or work experience in areas related to the specialty and that the alien has achieved recognition of expertise in the specialty occupation as a result of such training and experience. For purposes of determining equivalency to a baccalaureate degree in the specialty, three years of specialized training and/or work experience must be demonstrated for each year of co llege-level training the alien lacks. For equivalence to an advanced (or Masters) degree, the alien must have a baccalaureate degree followed by at least five years of experience in the specialty. If required by a specialty, the alien must hold a Doctorate degree or its foreign equivalent. It must be clearly demonstrated that the alien's training and/or work experience included the theoretical and practical application of specialized knowledge required by the specialty occupation; that the alien's experi ence was gained while working with peers, supervisors, or subordinates who have a degree or its equivalent in the specialty occupation; and that the alien has recognition of expertise in the specialty evidenced by at least one type of documentation such as:

( i ) Recognition of expertise in the specialty occupation by at least two recognized authorities in the same specialty occupation;

( ii ) Membership in a recognized foreign or United States association or society in the specialty occupation;

( iii ) Published material by or about the alien in professional publications, trade journals, books, or major newspapers;

( iv ) Licensure or registration to practice the specialty occupation in a foreign country; or

( v ) Achievements which a recognized authority has determined to be significant contributions to the field of t he specialty occupation.

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