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Truth About Japan-Korea Annexation



I recently learned about Korean anti-Japan thing then it turned out to be that Koreans only benefited from Japan's annexation and even after that until today. They were basically brainwashed by distorted history mostly influenced by the left communists and North Korean and Chinese governments. Now many Korean and international scholars are bringing out the facts. Many Koreans are now talking about it on social medial too if you can read their language. Japan didn't even invade Korea, it was done by an international agreement proposed by Korean government and it was celebrated internationally because of the severely corrupted Korean governments for centuries like current North Korea.

Japan immediately released Koreans from the slavery system upon annexation and it spent 1/4 of their own tax money to improve their lives – from the most poverty state (while there was even a famine going on in northern part of Japan), they built more than 5,000 schools for children even Seoul University and taught Hangul which was long abolished by Korean government. Both Korean population and their life span DOUBLED just in 35 years like a miracle and they were taught fishery and farming skills, they pay less than a half of taxes Japanese or foreigners on the peninsula did, yet so many Koreans smuggled themselves into Japan for much better life.

Besides, during the WW2, Koreans fought as Japanese under that rising sun flag they all volunteered and well paid (in fact like 98% of the Korean men failed the exam and turned down) so many were not sent to the battle fields but were just sent to administer local people and prison camps so that's why not so much casualty compared to Japanese men on mainland (like 20k vs

I once lived in South Korea for a few years, now I see the truth is slowly coming out and quite being discussed by "wise" young Koreans. In fact most of them say now they understand why their elders kept saying their life was better under Japans control but on media and school all about that anti japan propaganda. They said the rising sun was not a problem until the recent soccer match in 2011... It is indeed a tragedy that several years ago an old Korean man was beaten to death by a man in his 30s just because he said he was happy and safer during Japanese annexation.

I encourage people to learn history from the university courses, it's quite interesting what they teach is so different from what Koreans writes on Wikipedia or just simply learn their language so that you can see yourself what those people are actually saying in their country.

  • あの金は何処に?
  • 2021/06/26 (Sat) 11:17
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  • www
  • 2021/06/26 (Sat) 12:18
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  • c
  • 2021/06/26 (Sat) 18:41
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  • c
  • 2021/06/26 (Sat) 18:57
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In 2013 Professor Ahn Byong Jik of Seoul National University discovered a diary written by a Korean comfort station manager.

As opposed to the view generally held in South Korea that comfort women were forcibly conscripted by Japanese military and police, Ahn says, "Comfort women were recruited by Korean business operators in Korea, and there was no need for the military to abduct them."

The diary makes it clear that Korean businessmen not only recruited Korean women but also owned and operated comfort stations.
The diary also mentions that whenever comfort stations needed more women, Korean owners used their agents to recruit women (often under false pretenses) and the ownership of comfort station was traded among Korean owners.

In fact monthly reports by local Japanese Consul Generals in various Chinese cities identify comfort station operators with Korean comfort women as Korean. No Japanese-operated comfort station was reported with Korean women.


  • c
  • 2021/06/26 (Sat) 20:02
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首相: 800 yen
Lieutenant general ¥483.33
Colonel ¥310
Major ¥170
Captain ¥122
Sergeant ¥23-30
一等兵: ¥9

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