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アメリカの年金 過去の不法滞在

  • アトム131
  • mail
  • 2019/08/18 18:40

これは申請の時に問題になるのでしょうか? 20年前に永住権を取得しました。ソーシャルセキュリティーナンバーは30年間変わっていません。

  • FA
  • 2019/08/26 (Mon) 15:40
  • 報告


2. Special Consideration
An officer gives special consideration to an applicant who is 65 years of age or older and who has been living in the United States for periods totaling at least 20 years subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence. [12] The age and time requirements must be met at the time of filing the naturalization application. An officer only asks questions from the three “65/20” test forms when administering the civics test to such applicants. The test forms only contain 20 specially designated civics questions from the usual list of 100 questions.





  • トランポリン
  • 2019/08/29 (Thu) 18:49
  • 報告

SS OFFICEに行かれて自分の年金受け取り額を聞かれてみてはいかがですか。

  • FA
  • 2019/08/29 (Thu) 23:01
  • 報告


  • クドい性格のブ男へ。
  • 2019/08/30 (Fri) 01:13
  • 報告

Civics Test “65/20 “ Exception for Elder Applicants.
Green card holders who are age 65 or older and have lived in the U.S. as permanent residents for more than 20 years can take an easier version of the history and government exam that is required of naturalization applicants. This is commonly referred to as the “65/20 A abd B exception.”

A person who fits this category will have to study only 20 questions rather than the 100 that most applicants face. The applicant will be asked ten of the questions and will need to answer six correctly in order to pass. No interview required for B.

“ アメリカの年金 過去の不法滞在 ” に対する書き込みの有効期限は終了しました。