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1681. My Japanese wife is a liar(48kview/227res) Relationship / Friendship 2018/12/08 17:48
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My Japanese wife is a liar

Relationship / Friendship
  • Kevin
  • mail
  • 2018/11/07 11:05

Watch out for my lying, cheating, physically abusive Japanese wife. She looks like the Apple of your eye. But she has rotted to the core. She couldn't trust because she had a secret she couldn't share. She was a hostess. A drop out in high school .She hid from me because she knew it was vulgar. But she couldn't trust because she sat and drank with so many men. Her thinking was they were all the same. Her mind was tainted. I lived in her HELL! Her Xhusband told me her many secrets. Secrets that before I even knew, my intuition told me were true. Now she roams with a broken heart. I don't feel bad for this is what she has sown. Just her child will live in the horror of the mom's sin. So watch out and beware of the apple that will bite you like a serpent,it is rotted to the core.

  • yeek
  • 2018/11/21 (Wed) 14:07
  • Report

The fact of the matter is, we never know what our women have done in the past. (alright, men too, cuts both ways, get that out of the way)

We just have to take their word for it, true with most women. Sometimes ignorance is a bliss. I don't even think about it. I don't even ask. Better off not knowing, you're buying a used car. Don't sweat it.

Hey at least you got yourself a looker. Well, she was nice enough that you married her, right Kevin? Just that you now know too much.

  • 常連
  • 2018/11/21 (Wed) 16:13
  • Report

>Sometimes ignorance is a bliss. I don't even think about it. I don't even ask. Better off not knowing, you're buying a used car. Don't sweat it.

That's doesn't apply for marriage. Look at Kevin, you will find out eventually whether you like it or not.

  • 常連
  • 2018/11/22 (Thu) 04:42
  • Report

>Do you ask every woman about their past sexual partners? Do you really want to know who they have been in bed with?

I am not only talking about partner's sexual past. I am just saying you can't marry to someone being ignorant.

Not sure what yeek guy was using "it" though. wanted to ask him

  • マダム
  • 2018/11/22 (Thu) 06:32
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  • 馬鹿野郎
  • 2018/11/22 (Thu) 07:09
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#117 例え話に中古車持って来るところがセンスがないというか幼いというかアメリカ的というかちょっとガッカリ。

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