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14591. 子供の為の食事の作り方(2kview/26res) Problem / Need advice 2006/10/05 17:38
14592. 整形!(761view/11res) Problem / Need advice 2006/10/05 17:38
14593. 免許証更新に間に合いません・・・。(3kview/22res) Problem / Need advice 2006/10/05 07:57
14594. 妻が浮気を?!(1kview/28res) Free talk 2006/10/04 22:41
14595. 学生VISAについて質問です(673view/1res) Free talk 2006/10/04 22:41
14596. 日本語禁止トピ(3kview/55res) Free talk 2006/10/04 22:41
14597. 2泊3日のドライブ旅行、どこまでいけるものでしょうか。(アーチーズに行きたいのです)(1kview/7res) Free talk 2006/10/04 22:41
14598. 日本へ重い荷物を送る格安の方法!(5kview/52res) Problem / Need advice 2006/10/04 22:41
14599. e-bayからの思い当たらないメール(1kview/11res) Problem / Need advice 2006/10/04 22:41
14600. nagoya-lax(640view/8res) Problem / Need advice 2006/10/04 22:41


Free talk
  • 英語郎
  • 2006/09/19 18:12






日本語は、トピ主の私だけの特権ということにさせて下さい。M(_ _)M




#14, can you say that in english? or your english is not good enough?


get out of here. go somewhere else!

  • observer
  • 2006/09/21 (Thu) 18:14
  • Report

To be honest, I don't like to speak English very much, personally.
Once in a while, I happen to ask myself, "How should I speak a foreign language 24-7 while Americans don't even learn other language(s) than English? It's not fair is it?"
Once in a while?
Wait a sec.
Well, I guess that happens to me quite often times to describe more properly.
One day, one guy came to me and wispered words of wisdom.
"Life is always unfair."
It is!
Guys like me are destined to work hard like crazy no matter what till they hit the age of 65 when social security starts feeding a little small money to them.
Look at people who were born to be rich in the first place.
They enjoy a lot more choices and selections to throughout their lives.
It's not something that you can make a change overnight just like snapping your fingers.
You've got to use tremendous amount of time and energy to equalize your life to theirs.
Yet, nothing guaranteed even.
But the wise man came back to me and said, "That's your life and you have to accept it. You can cry, scream, whine and bitch all day long but think of it. You still have hands to scratch your head, legs to walk to see your girlfriend, foods to fill your stomach, and the most importantly, you are living in the real world. Don't you think you are lucky enough? Don't you think it is a great miracle?"
I do!
Do you?

  • Chicken Little
  • 2006/09/21 (Thu) 18:24
  • Report

You have a right to walk away freely.
Nobody is forcing you to join our conversation in this particular topic.
Do not waste your time, do not waste our time neither.
Let me suggest you one thing.
Just go.

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