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13551. 永住権(婚姻ベース) 移民弁護士(377view/0res) Free talk 2007/02/16 06:16
13552. ユナイテッドエアラインを使っての子連れ里帰り(550view/1res) Problem / Need advice 2007/02/16 06:16
13553. 本当にどうしたらよいのか..(1kview/11res) Problem / Need advice 2007/02/16 06:16
13554. アーモンドフラワー..どなたか教えてー!!!(993view/9res) Free talk 2007/02/15 18:30
13555. ガングリオンについて教えてください!!(2kview/10res) Free talk 2007/02/15 13:54
13556. 健康保険について(735view/5res) Problem / Need advice 2007/02/15 13:54
13557. Tax Return まだ払うの?(2kview/10res) Problem / Need advice 2007/02/15 13:54
13558. ニュースだけスパニッシュになる。(458view/1res) Problem / Need advice 2007/02/15 10:32
13559. 日本人留学生(8kview/161res) Free talk 2007/02/15 04:16
13560. Baby Shower(7kview/9res) Free talk 2007/02/15 04:16


Free talk
  • Mr.カブリツキ
  • mail
  • 2002/10/06 04:36

以下は本日付けのTBS News i( からの抜粋です。まず読んでみて下さい。

「アフガニスタン空爆、今も癒えぬ心の傷 」









 シェラガ君のように、ここで生活する子供は1800人。 しかし、医師はたった2人しかいません。空爆から1年、国の再建を担う子供たち心の修復作業はまさにはじまったばかりです。から1年、国の再建を担う子供たち心の修復作業はまさにはじまったばかりです。




おじゃまします。ほんとに戦争は嫌ですね。9ー11の画像を見て中近東の国の市民が、大喜びして祝っている様子が報道されましたよね。テロリストは最低の卑怯行為だと思います。だけど、この時こそ、アメリカは何故こんなに反感をかっているのか、そして、どうやってアメリカが今までしてきた石油欲しさや他の利益のための行なった身がってな行為のダメージを、少しでも治していけるのか、考えるべき時なのに、ブッシュが、「悪者達(アルカイダ)はアメリカの自由を憎んでいるからだ」なんて平気で国民に対して演説しましたよね。アメリカの都合の良い時はアフガニスタンのような危ない国に武力を付けてやったり、「人々の自由 」とか言ながら、石油の為なら、全然民主的じゃないサウジアラビアとベタベタ仲良くしたり。実情をよく分かってるアメリカのジャーナリストや知識人も、ほんとに少数しか、「本当の問題はアメリカ自身に在る」という点を指摘する勇気はないですよね。あの9ー11の大量殺人はアメリカの政策の所為でとテロリストの行為を正統化してるようにとられ、非国民扱いされてしまうから。いらいらしますね。戦争より、もっとやるべき事があるのに。ブッシュ嫌い。


抜粋: CNN August 7, 2002 Posted:
Rand analyst Laurent Murawiec told the panel that the Saudis support and finance terrorism, the newspaper reported ... Secretary of State Colin Powell called the Saudi foreign minister Tuesday to assure him the opinions expressed in the briefing did not reflect the U.S. opinion of Saudi Arabia
...He(Rumsfeld) added, "Saudi Arabia is like any other country. It has broad spectrum of activities, some of which, like our country, that we agree with and some we may not." ... The United States has also pushed Saudi leaders to curtail terrorist financing and support within the country and crack down on fundamentalist and anti-American rhetoric by Muslim clerics。

  • 釣りちゃん
  • 2003/01/08 (Wed) 17:25
  • Report






Dubya has a rather seamy past. He is an admitted drunk who has at least two DWI convictions. I'm contending this based on the 18 month suspension of his license for drunk driving after a night out in Kennebunkport. This would have been unheard of in the early 70s for first offense DWI. Maine's DWI law back then called for a 90 day suspension. You can look this up for yourself online. What other traffic offenses has he committed? I'm saying it was a DWI or something more serious.

Coke bust... yes, Dubya had one in 1972. This was documented in the book Fortunate Son. His record was expunged but he has never offered any explanation of why he did a year of Community Service at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Houston. Judging by what other cocaine convictions were bringing in Texas during that time period, I'd say he got off rather richly. A coke bust in 1972 Texas could have got you life.

There are serious allegations that he was involved in an illegal abortion in the early 70s. Larry Flynt claims to have incontrovertible evidence from a woman who was dating Dubya in that era. It's ironic that now Dubya seems committed to ending a woman's right to choose, starting with an executive gag order prohibiting foreign clinics from suggesting abortion as an option if they want to keep their funding.

Dubya was the son of priveledge and power during the Viet Nam era. He joined the Texas National Guard, jumping in front of hundreds of men on the waiting list so he could avoid combat duty. Then he went AWOL from the Guard for over a year to serve in some Louisiana politician's political campaign. This has been well documented by his commander in the Louisiana guard unit he "transferred" to. When asked about this travesty and rich man's draft dodging, he simply says he was honorably discharged.

At Yale, he distinguished himself with arrests for football hooliganism and shoplifting. He was also in the Secret Society "Skull & Bones", a group of powerful elite young men with strange fetishes for death. Their exploits, including strange sexual sessions in coffins and nude mud wrestling were documented in a presentation on The History Channel called "Secret Societies. A full transcript of that program is available on this site. I am conducting an investigation of the Skull & Bones membership to determine what influence they have had on our country. I'm not a conspiracy buff, but BOTH Dubya and Poppy Bush are members of Skull and Bones.

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