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Digital Floral Offering Site" where you can send flowers and messages online to former Prime Minister Abe.

Free talk
  • flower
  • mail
  • 2022/08/26 20:51

For those of you who live far away in the U.S. and have not been able to say your final goodbyes, please do so by making a digital offering of flowers and sending a message of thanks to Abe.

If you turn on the sound, you can listen to "Hana wa Saku" which Mr. Abe played on the piano before his death
You can see the messages from Abe and Akie below, and then click → button to go to the flower donation site

You can also read other people's messages by clicking the donated flowers

English You can also read the messages in English.

Please spread the message to your American friends, family and acquaintances Let's send a message to Mr. Abe and Mrs. Akie in heaven

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"When I talk to you, the younger generation,
I am amazed at how many of you think
that you want to do something for the world, your community, Japan and the world.

That is why I have high expectations for all of you.
Please take up the challenge, and even if you fail, please get up.

And with your abundant young power, create a better world."

March 19, 2022, at the graduation ceremony of Kinki University
Shinzo Abe, the 90th Prime Minister of Japan

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"As a politician I'm sure he had a lot of unfinished business, but
he had his own spring, summer, fall, and winter, and finally, winter.
He has planted so many seeds that they will sprout."

July 12, 2022, at the farewell ceremony for former Prime Minister Abe at Zojoji Temple
Akie Abe

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • 国葬反対は日本国民の声
  • 2022/08/27 (Sat) 15:28
  • Report

North American Family Federation for World Peace and Unification ( Unification Church ) Believers ?

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • 国葬反対は日本国民の声
  • 2022/08/27 (Sat) 15:33
  • Report

Summary of Former Prime Minister Abe's Merits and Demerits :
I am surprised
at all the coverage that glorified him since Mr. Abe died unexpectedly, but in the case of the highest power in a country, we should properly evaluate his
merits and demerits that he gave to the people.
・ Mollycoddling and a great deal of friend nepotism.
・ Falsification of official documents, serious public officials committing suicide, not serious
High-ranking bureaucrats giving false Diet answers and full retirement pay.
・ Falsifying statistics, falsifying official documents at will.
・ He makes a hundred or more false answers of his own.
・ Breaking the separation of powers, the main principle of democracy, and controlling the judiciary
Working to extend the retirement age of the stinking chief prosecutor.
・ Successfully covered up the rape case of his favorite reporter.
The subordinate who engineered it was promoted to Commissioner of Police.
・ Voter bribing for the Cherry Blossom Society and the LDP with taxpayer money.
・ Deep and long association with the Unification Church, breaking the principle of separation of church and state.
・ Conveniently changed the method of calculating GDP.
・ Drinking sake and having get-together parties at a ryotei restaurant in Akasaka during the torrential rain damage in western Japan.
・ Inducing the yen to weaken to raise various prices. Labor wages remain unchanged. 
・ The public is in agreement that Abenomics has completely mismanaged the economy into a prolonged recession.
・ The big trickle down lie. All the profits of big business are in their own pockets.
・ Social security is being reduced rapidly.
・ Two consumption tax hikes, not spent on social welfare as promised, but given back to big business.
・ Spending tens of billions of yen on inferior ( moldy garbage with mites ) distributing masks.
・ All the lord's trips to sell nuclear power overseas failed, zero results.
・ Not one millimeter of Northern Territories returned.
Gave Putin 300 billion yen in taxpayer money to sow sesame seeds in return negotiations.
・ Not a single North Korean abductee recovered, empty bills galore.
・ Trump buys a large number of defective F35 fighter jets at an asking price in Japan-US talks.
Trump had them heavily discounted at home, saying they were "too expensive".
・ Amount of common people's blood money scattered as foreign aid money. Rich nations
¥20 billion in aid money given to Israel.
The total amount of expenses spent by Prime Minister Abe during his tenure, including "unnecessary outings to avoid answering to the Diet"
, exceeded 10 trillion yen.
This is only the total amount of actual expenses spent on the outings themselves, and
if the total amount of ODA and other aid payments and yen loans paid to various countries is added up,
it exceeds 65 trillion yen," he said.

・ Average stock prices have risen ( Only those who own stocks will benefit from this )
Others ? ( Oy, someone bring my bug glasses )

Abe It should be obvious which number of Prime Minister has made the people wealthier and happier or poorer and unhappier
So, was he worthy of a state funeral ? Was he that great ??

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2022/08/27 (Sat) 15:56
  • Report

And for that, they were able to stay in power for a long time.

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • 国葬反対は日本国民の声
  • 2022/08/27 (Sat) 18:20
  • Report

List of the amount of Japanese people's blood tax that the Abe administration has distributed to foreign countries
( My pocket won't be hurt anyway. )

▼ Myanmar has been exempted from 200 billion yen of its overdue debt to Japan,
Myanmar's debt of 500 billion yen has been eliminated, and a total of 91 billion yen in ODA including yen loans and grant aid has been provided
. ▼ Middle East ・ Newly $2.2 billion in aid for North Africa = 216 billion yen in aid announced
▼ Prime Minister Abe announces 300 billion yen in ODA to support Syrian women in UN speech
▼ Additional 5.9 billion yen in aid for Syrian refugees, Abe Prime Minister delivers UN speech
▼ Announces 2 trillion yen in ODA to ASEAN over 5 years
▼ "9 billion yen in yen loans to Laos" PM Abe announces grant
▼ Announces aid to Mozambique, provides 70 billion yen in ODA
▼ Japanese gov't proposes 500 billion yen in loans for linear project in U.S.
▼ 200 billion yen in yen loans to India, summit meeting
▼ 600 billion yen in aid to Bangladesh = Government
▼ Prime Minister Abe
▼ 20 billion yen over 3 years to Papua New Guinea 3 . 500 million yen to support Chernobyl = Prime Minister Abe announced,
▼ Japanese government committed 3.5 trillion yen over 5 years in public and private investment in India
▼ Japan ・ Sri Lanka summit, loan of ¥13.7 billion to build a facility
▼ Japanese government to provide ¥1.74 trillion in aid to developing countries ・ Japan announces at climate change summit
▼ PM Abe announces additional ¥4.3 billion to UN and others to fight Ebola
▼ Prime Minister Abe announces new emergency aid of 5.5 billion yen for the Middle East
▼ Japanese government announces about 2.2 billion yen for reconstruction of Gaza
▼ Japanese government announces 26 billion yen in yen loans to Myanmar to the President
▼ 43 billion yen loan to Egypt, PM to announce during visit to Middle East
▼ Prime Minister Abe gives speech on Middle East policy, announces 300 billion yen aid for stabilization
▼ 14.7 billion yen to Jordan for refugee aid, PM Abe announces at summit meeting
▼ Syrian refugees receive new 700 million yen in government aid for Syrian refugees
▼ Government : Offers about 13 trillion yen to support infrastructure investment in Asia to counter AIIB
▼ Japanese government to contribute 10 billion yen to greening of China
▼ Prime Minister Abe to provide about 41.1 billion yen for infrastructure in Egypt Official Development Assistance
▼ Prime Minister Abe meets with President of East Timor, provides 5 billion yen in ODA
▼ Prime Minister Abe meets with President of Ukraine, provides 200 billion yen in economic assistance
▼ Prime Minister Abe provides about 280 billion yen in assistance for Panama monorail project
▼ 10 million yen per person for former comfort women … Japan-Korea agreement
▼ Prime Minister Abe to provide 22.8 billion yen in yen loans to Vietnam to combat climate change
▼ Prime Minister Abe to provide 125 billion yen for poverty reduction and rural development in Myanmar
▼ Prime Minister Abe to invest 3 trillion yen in Africa
▼ Prime Minister Abe to provide 1 billion yen in financial aid to Kenya
▼ Prime Minister Abe to provide 285 billion yen in aid for refugees at UN summit
▼ Prime Minister Abe to provide Cuba with 1.2
▼ 30 billion yen in aid to Jordan = Prime Minister Abe announces to King
▼ Philippine President Duterte to support agriculture
▼ Prime Minister Abe announces 5 billion yen in aid to Myanmar Prime Minister Abe announces 800 billion yen in aid to Myanmar
▼ < Prime Minister Abe > "More than 345 billion yen" for women in developing countries
▼ Japanese government to provide 1 trillion yen for nuclear power plant in UK
▼ [Russia] Japan-Russia summit meeting: Japanese economic cooperation 300 billion yen

There are many more, but I can't write them all.

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • 国葬反対は日本国民の声
  • 2022/08/27 (Sat) 21:34
  • Report

# 21 Dear 70 taxpayers with a flower garden

So you're a good bet. No matter how much debt you have, your country will never go bankrupt.
But you Japanese will always live in poverty.
Japan is by far the most indebted country in the world's industrialized nations, with a debt of 1,200 trillion yen.
No.2 is Italy, where you live a carefree life, and No.3 is the U.S., where you waste a lot of money.
In other words, no matter how hard you people work, no matter how much you work, no matter how much you collect
taxes, you will never get out of the rabbit hutch of living in poverty.
Even if you continue to work like a cart horse until you die, and even if you continue to pay huge amounts of taxes, your standard of living is
the lowest in the developed world.
It is also thanks to Mr. Abe's good face that he has been spreading your blood tax all over the world
. Let's thank Mr. Abe with tears in our eyes by giving him a state funeral.

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

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