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1. 小学校低学年 春休み何してますか?(174view/2res) Pregunta Ayer 19:28
2. ナルシシスト/アスペルガーのパートナーの精神的虐待(1kview/28res) Preocupaciones / Consulta Ayer 19:15
3. 日本旅行に関することは、何でもアリ、のトピ(1005kview/4417res) Chat Gratis Ayer 17:53
4. 歯のディープクリーニング(200view/4res) Pregunta Ayer 16:26
5. 今の彼でいいかどうか(501view/3res) Preocupaciones / Consulta Ayer 07:35
6. 独り言Plus(505kview/4127res) Chat Gratis Ayer 00:03
7. 時代も変わった(399view/11res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2025/03/03 14:52
8. 日本への仕送り(400view/7res) Pregunta 2025/03/01 16:19
9. 高齢者の方集まりましょう!!(391kview/876res) Chat Gratis 2025/02/28 14:50
10. DMV免許更新(223view/4res) Pregunta 2025/02/28 08:39


Chat Gratis
  • Gardena_23
  • mail
  • 2020/04/16 17:57



どのように申請するか? 教えてください。

  • i have a apple i have a pen
  • 2020/04/16 (Thu) 18:22
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↑ 読めまシェーン

  • え?
  • 2020/04/16 (Thu) 19:18
  • Report


  • i have a apple i have a pen
  • 2020/04/16 (Thu) 20:00
  • Report

↑ すごい中国語読めるんだね。

  • tax man
  • 2020/04/16 (Thu) 23:09
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Emergency Rental Assistance Approved In LA County: Coronavirus

LA County supervisors approved an emergency rental assistance program that would provide monthly subsidies to families who have lost jobs.

LOS ANGELES, CA — The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to allocate additional emergency funding to assist struggling renters and expand tenant protections during the COVID-19 crisis.

The program as envisioned would provide rent subsidies of up to $1,000 per month for up to three months for families who have recently lost jobs,

though the details have yet to be worked out. The overall level of funding will depend on how much money is allocated by the federal government and whether that can be matched, in part, by private dollars.

  • 2020/04/16 (Thu) 23:31
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Tax manさんいつもありがとうございます。Orange countyは今のところ含まれていないですか?

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