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  • Attack
  • 2006/01/11 10:29


  • catac
  • 2006/01/11 (Wed) 12:41
  • 报告

Attackさんがグリーンカードか非移民ビザの場合AR-11,Change of Addressの書類を移民局に提出しなければいけません。http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/ar-11.htm


  • みにゅ
  • 2006/01/12 (Thu) 13:20
  • 报告

How to notify DMV when I change my address

Law states that you must notify DMV within 10 days of changing your address. There is no charge to change your address, and you may notify DMV by any of the following ways:

1. Call any DMV office at 1 (800) 777-0133 and request that a change of address form be mailed to you. It will take 5 days for you to receive it. Complete the information required on the form, then mail it to the address listed at the top of the form.
2. Download the Change of Address form DMV 14, complete the information, and mail it to the address listed at the top of the form.

3. Visit any DMV office, complete a change of address form, and give it to a technician. The technician will give you a Change of Address Certificate card (DL 43) to complete and carry with your license.

If you do 1 or 2 above, type or write in ink your new address on a small piece of paper, sign and date it. Carry this piece of paper with your license. Do not tape or staple the change of address information to your driver license





  • th
  • 2006/01/13 (Fri) 14:24
  • 报告


“ 住所変更 ” 的投稿有效期日已经结束。