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หัวข้อประเด็น (Topic)

Should Asians have English name in the states?


Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai....
Asian names are difficult to catch / pronounce by Americans. Some of them have English name which makes easier to recognize. I am thinking if I should have English name or not. What do you guys think about Asians to have English name? and how do you/did you decide your English name?


↑ 自分で英語下手そう。と言わなくても。


#8 紅夜叉さん、

一昔と言うか二昔前はこちらの親戚縁者を頼りに永住目的で来た人の中に、周りの英語しか喋らない人との付き合いのため、先駆者が勧めるのかその人の下の名前の頭文字から分かりやすい英語の First Name を使っている人を多く見かけました。


忠 → Ted
治夫 → Harry
友康 → Tom



Thanks you all for comment. I guess i’m not gonna name myself English name for a while... I feel my name is quite important for me to define who I am. It is interested in to hear your ideas!


As you feel, my first name is important and a part of my identity gifted by my parents. Only use an American name at Starbucks or occasions that you feel more convenient.


なんちゃってではない、本物のバイリンガルの人でアメリカンネーム使ってる人一杯いるけど。使ってると言うかCitizenでBirth Given name ではなく現Legal Nameだが。

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