แสดง "สนทนาฟรี"

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4. 高齢者の方集まりましょう!!(110kview/684res) สนทนาฟรี 2024/06/25 17:35
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9. 幼児教室(733view/1res) สนทนาฟรี 2024/05/05 10:57
10. ロサンゼルスにあった日本食レストラン等(929view/18res) สนทนาฟรี 2024/05/05 10:54
หัวข้อประเด็น (Topic)

learning Japanese


I would like to learn Japanese. Can someone tell me how to learn it without going to school? I've been to Japanese many times but I speak so little Japanese. Maybe I should get a Japanese girlfriend......


>>> I've been to Japanese many times

















hey please be nice. That was just a typo. I meant to say that I have been to Japan many times. Please just tell me where I can learn Japanese without attending a language school okay? thank you!


Use Meetup.com, for example, to search for Japanese-English exchange/study groups in your area.
NHK World has Japanese lesson programs (Japan-easy) available on its website for free.


Why don't you try this free online course? Or you think this is a 'school', too?



yo alex,do you know showa?he's gay asf.


go to club chacha on torrance blvd.drink alcohol and chat with cute girl.
you can meet lots of japanese hoes.they sleep with anybody.




#17, Read between the lines. Write in English.


THanks everyone for your advice, esp. Museum and ぎゅぎゅ! and to alex69, no I'm not looking for hoes, but thank you too.


Oh, is this end of all?
I’m so bummed out. Let's try to run somebody down in English as u made fun by Japanese of トピ主's comment!

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