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Ireland / Dublin

  • vivinaviuser
  • mail
  • 2023/08/04 13:43


I am a Japanese living in LA with a visa. Do I need anything special to travel to Ireland / Dublin? I did not see any info on it, but I assume as long as I bring my visa/passport, I can enter the country and re-enter the US? I did not see the ESTA requirement either, but if anyone has experience, please let me know. Thank you.

  • ガセネタ太郎
  • 2023/08/05 (Sat) 22:29
  • Report

(笑)(笑) 普通どう考えても日本のパスポートなら日本とそれぞれの国のビザの協定でしょどこの国から行こうがどこに戻ろうか(笑)(笑)

  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2023/08/12 (Sat) 15:16
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