최신내용부터 전체표시

1. 独り言Plus(134kview/3115res) 프리토크 어제 22:08
2. 質問(721view/41res) 기타 어제 14:39
3. ウッサムッ(125kview/533res) 프리토크 어제 13:29
4. 発達障害のつどい(110view/6res) 프리토크 어제 13:24
5. 高齢者の方集まりましょう!!(108kview/684res) 프리토크 2024/06/25 17:35
6. 高齢者の高血圧、対策(207view/11res) 질문 2024/06/23 12:58
7. Prefab ADU(256view/16res) 질문 2024/06/22 09:40
8. 日本国民じゃないけど日本で早期退職はしたいです(2kview/158res) 질문 2024/06/20 15:11
9. テラリウム。(622view/9res) 기타 2024/06/19 11:01
10. ヒデ指圧のヒデさん(3kview/40res) 질문 2024/06/17 05:57

learning Japanese

  • alex19
  • 메일
  • 2017/12/11 22:38

I would like to learn Japanese. Can someone tell me how to learn it without going to school? I've been to Japanese many times but I speak so little Japanese. Maybe I should get a Japanese girlfriend......

  • alex69
  • 2017/12/12 (Tue) 14:08
  • 신고

go to club chacha on torrance blvd.drink alcohol and chat with cute girl.
you can meet lots of japanese hoes.they sleep with anybody.

  • ちん
  • 2017/12/12 (Tue) 15:34
  • 신고


  • momota
  • 2017/12/12 (Tue) 17:12
  • 신고

#17, Read between the lines. Write in English.

  • alex19
  • 2017/12/13 (Wed) 00:15
  • 신고

THanks everyone for your advice, esp. Museum and ぎゅぎゅ! and to alex69, no I'm not looking for hoes, but thank you too.

  • JMAN
  • 2017/12/13 (Wed) 23:21
  • 신고

Oh, is this end of all?
I’m so bummed out. Let's try to run somebody down in English as u made fun by Japanese of トピ主's comment!

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