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Chat Gratis



IGETCはUC系だけで、CSUはCSU GEだけでいいはずですよ。


I cannot type in Japanese now... I transfered to CSU from Community College,and I was following IGETC so that I could go either CSU or UC. But if you wanna transfer to CSU,CSU GE should be fine. I finished up all the GE requirements and major requirements before transfering to CSU. I heard that you can transfer to university even if you don't finish all the requirements as long as you're done with the big four,that is Writing,Math,Speech,and Critical Thinking. I'm not an expert on this issue,and things are changing. So the best way to make it clear would be to ask your adviser for help. Good luck!



  • tatu
  • 2003/08/28 (Thu) 00:08
  • Informe


>IGETCはUC系だけで、CSUはCSU GEだけでいいはずですよ。

  • international
  • 2003/08/31 (Sun) 00:40
  • Informe

編入する際に、international student の学生は record を編入先の学校へ送るようなことを聞いたのですが、編入された方はいつ編入先の学校へ送りましたか?教えていただけると助かります。

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