
6991. アメリカで刺青除去(3kview/4res) お悩み・相談 2010/11/17 19:16
6992. かゆみ・虫さされ(1kview/6res) お悩み・相談 2010/11/17 16:10
6993. 子供が近視のため席がえ(1kview/7res) お悩み・相談 2010/11/17 12:57
6994. お米をおいしく炊き上げているレストラン(6kview/51res) フリートーク 2010/11/17 09:59
6995. 顎関節症 あごがイタイ(1kview/10res) お悩み・相談 2010/11/17 09:59
6996. バナナ(5kview/41res) お悩み・相談 2010/11/17 09:59
6997. Abbot Kinney のmotel について(5kview/16res) フリートーク 2010/11/16 23:59
6998. アメリカで赤ちゃんのadoption。(1kview/3res) フリートーク 2010/11/16 18:02
6999. ご主人又はご自分の職業(4kview/28res) フリートーク 2010/11/16 13:16
7000. Seaweedの業務用を買える所を知りませんか??(906view/1res) フリートーク 2010/11/16 12:13


  • ばはは
  • 2010/08/07 19:07


  • mopa
  • 2010/08/12 (Thu) 18:00
  • 報告

"their eggs are usually carried in on fruit you buy in the store (I know, ICK ICK). If you leave your fruit out long enough, the eggs hatch and they fly around your house looking for other fruit to eat. If you leave fruit for a looong time you see a huge boom of fruit flies because it gives them ample time to reproduce on that lovely food source you’ve left out for them." (www.fluther.com/71220/where-do-those-annoying-fruit-flies-come-from/)

"This is because they can travel into our homes, unbeknownst to us, as larvae on the fruit we buy. The adults lay their eggs, invisible to the naked eye, on bananas and other fruits, which later hatch while the fruit is in our fruit bowls." (www.mass.gov/dep/recycle/reduce/flies.htm)

"Fruit flies not only feed on these foods, but also lay eggs in them that hatch into larvae in a matter of hours. In almost the blink of an eye, fruit flies can infest any kitchen." (www.wisegeek.com/what-are-fruit-flies-and-where-do-they-come-from.htm)

"To prevent fruit flies from growing on bananas (assuming that you do not have them living in your home already), simply wash the bananas in tap water when you bring them home from the market. This seems to rid the bananas of eggs and no fruit flies will develop." (www.wikihow.com/Keep-Fruit-Flies-from-Growing-on-Bananas)



#21さんの研究所、どうなっちゃんだ〜 これじゃ研究し直しか?

#24さんのはあまり効果無いですよ。しょせんインフォマーシャルの商品ですもんね。As seen on TV 屋で売ってますけどね。


  • daniema
  • 2010/08/12 (Thu) 20:28
  • 報告

>#21さんの研究所、どうなっちゃんだ〜 これじゃ研究し直しか?




  • daniema
  • 2010/08/12 (Thu) 20:51
  • 報告

例えば、American Society for Microbiology のサイトにはいろいろな研究結果などが載っているが、そういうサイトのほうが根拠があって信用性があるね。でも、蠅がどこから発生についてはあまりサイトがないね。

  • mopa
  • 2010/08/17 (Tue) 11:27
  • 報告




"Fruit flies lay their eggs primarily in fruit, although they can also deposit them in drains, trashcans, spills and other sources of decaying, sweet, organic matter." (www.orkin.com/flies/fruit-fly/where-do-fruit-flies-come-from)

"Adult females lay their eggs (average about 500) near the surface of fermenting fruits and vegetables or near the cover crack of imperfectly sealed containers of such materials. The eggs hatch in about 30 hours." (www.pestcontrol-products.com/fruit_fly_trap.htm)

“ バナナ ” に対する書き込みの有効期限は終了しました。