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Truth About Japan-Korea Annexation

Chat Gratis


I recently learned about Korean anti-Japan thing then it turned out to be that Koreans only benefited from Japan's annexation and even after that until today. They were basically brainwashed by distorted history mostly influenced by the left communists and North Korean and Chinese governments. Now many Korean and international scholars are bringing out the facts. Many Koreans are now talking about it on social medial too if you can read their language. Japan didn't even invade Korea, it was done by an international agreement proposed by Korean government and it was celebrated internationally because of the severely corrupted Korean governments for centuries like current North Korea.

Japan immediately released Koreans from the slavery system upon annexation and it spent 1/4 of their own tax money to improve their lives – from the most poverty state (while there was even a famine going on in northern part of Japan), they built more than 5,000 schools for children even Seoul University and taught Hangul which was long abolished by Korean government. Both Korean population and their life span DOUBLED just in 35 years like a miracle and they were taught fishery and farming skills, they pay less than a half of taxes Japanese or foreigners on the peninsula did, yet so many Koreans smuggled themselves into Japan for much better life.

Besides, during the WW2, Koreans fought as Japanese under that rising sun flag they all volunteered and well paid (in fact like 98% of the Korean men failed the exam and turned down) so many were not sent to the battle fields but were just sent to administer local people and prison camps so that's why not so much casualty compared to Japanese men on mainland (like 20k vs

I once lived in South Korea for a few years, now I see the truth is slowly coming out and quite being discussed by "wise" young Koreans. In fact most of them say now they understand why their elders kept saying their life was better under Japans control but on media and school all about that anti japan propaganda. They said the rising sun was not a problem until the recent soccer match in 2011... It is indeed a tragedy that several years ago an old Korean man was beaten to death by a man in his 30s just because he said he was happy and safer during Japanese annexation.

I encourage people to learn history from the university courses, it's quite interesting what they teach is so different from what Koreans writes on Wikipedia or just simply learn their language so that you can see yourself what those people are actually saying in their country.



第31代、フーバー米元大統領の著書「Freedom Betrayed」(1965年)から抜粋:

「私が初めて朝鮮を訪れたのは 1909 年、エンジニアリングについて日本の実業家達に助言するためだった。当時の朝鮮の人々は、アジア中のどこにも見ることのない大変悲惨な状況にあった。 そこには法も秩序もなく、多くの人々が飢えに苦しみ、衣服や備品どころか、住むところさえままならない状況だった。 衛生管理も全く存在せず、汚物と排泄物が村全体を覆っていた。 道という道はろくに通ることさえもかなわず、集会や教育用の施設もほぼ皆無状態だった。そんな悲愴な景観を壊すものがたまにあるとすれば、それはぽつんと立つ一本の木くらいだった。盗人や無法者がそこら中にのさばっていた。

その後わずか35年間の日本による統治が、朝鮮の人々に革新的な生活の向上をもたらした。 日本人は、まずこの将来が全く見込めそうにない人々を相手に、法と秩序をもたらし、港、鉄道、道路と通信、優れた公共施設を建造していき、人々の住まいも目を見張るほど改善された家屋を建てていった。さらに衛生管理システムを導入し、より良い農業技術も伝授した。 北朝鮮には巨大な肥料工場を建設し、人々の食糧供給を十分なレベルにまで引き上げた。彼らは剥げ山でさえも、植林をし森を作り、そして人々の教育やスキル開発のための制度を確立した。 あの埃まみれでうす汚い色の汚れた衣服でさえも、あっと言う間に清潔でまぶしい色とりどりの衣服に取って代わっていったのだ」


Here's one example that explains why many Korean elders used to say (not publicly anymore) that they were happier under Japan's control. Former US President Hebert Hoover wrote in his book "Freedom Betrayed", completed in 1965:

"I first visited Korea in 1909, to advise some Japanese Industrialists on engineering matters. The Korean people at that time were in the most disheartening condition that I had witnessed in any part of Asia. There was little law and order. The masses were underfed, under-clothed, under housed and under equipped. There was no sanitation, and filth and squalor enveloped the whole countryside. The roads were hardly passable, and there were scant communication or educational facilities. Scarcely a tree broke the dismal landscape. Thieves and bandits seemed to be unrestrained.

During the thirty-five years of Japanese control, the life of the Korean people was revolutionized. Beginning with this most unpromising human material, the Japanese established order, built harbors, railways, roads and communications, good public buildings, and greatly improved housing. They established sanitation and taught better methods of agriculture. They built immense fertilizer factories in North Korea which lifted the people’s food supplies to reasonable levels. They reforested the bleak hills. They established a general system of education and the development of skills. Even dusty, drab and filthy clothing had been replaced with clean bright colors.”


ちなみに日韓併合時代の様子は、当時のシカゴ大学教授の著書The New Korea(1926)で細かく描写されていますが、実際にこのわずか35年間で、日本による医療制度の導入により、朝鮮人の人口と平均寿命が共に約2倍に倍増したことや、さらに農業、漁業、林業、工業の全部門での経済生産高は10倍に増加した事が、プリンストン大学により2000年代に検証されています。日本が確立した経済発展モデルは、第二次世界大戦後も韓国人によって維持され、韓国の経済発展において重要な役割を果たしたと結論づけています。

Professor Atul Kohli of Princeton University confirmed Professor Alleyne Ireland's conviction ("The New Korea", 1926) with the following data in his book "State-Directed Development" (2004):

"The average life span of the Koreans doubled from 23 years in 1910 to 45 years in 1945, and the population doubled from just over 12 million in 1910 to over 25 million in 1945 due to the institution of modern healthcare under the Japanese. Economic output in terms of agriculture, fishery, forestry and industry increased tenfold from 1910 to 1945. The economic development model the Japanese instituted played the crucial role in Korean economic development, a model that was maintained by the Koreans in the post-World War II era"

Again, while famines struck in Northern Japan and many farmers had to sell their daughters to reduce the number of mouths they had to feed, Japan continued to invest 1/4 to 1/3 of their own tax money onto the Korean Peninsula.

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