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23561. MTV Video Award再放送(575view/0res) Chat Gratis 2003/09/06 05:00
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23563. 古本屋さん(694view/3res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2003/09/05 23:11
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Chat Gratis
  • キャット
  • 2003/08/26 00:53



  • やまとです
  • 2003/08/27 (Wed) 01:23
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きっと伸びてないでしょうね。スペイン語に変えてみたら? 笑

  • 英語力
  • 2003/08/27 (Wed) 01:58
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It's been 5 years since I came to the US. But still,I sometime feel disappointed in my English,especially my speaking skill... I can recognize that my listening skill's getting better though. You have to use English in order to brush up your speaking skill,while listenning skill would get better as time goes if you always are exposed to English. Anyway,learning new language takes times. Someone pick up new language fast,others don't. So take it easy and keep practicing it! Taking TOEFL more or less gave me some positive feedback because I could see improvement on score:) but it doesn't assess my speaking skill(;_;) Ganbatte kudasai!

  • チェック
  • 2003/08/27 (Wed) 02:32
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  • アイヨ
  • 2003/08/27 (Wed) 08:55
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