「프리토크」 표시중

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  • K
  • 2002/11/24 22:02

(I am a college student studying Asian-American. I am preparing for my presentation about Japanese-American. If you are Japanese-American, would you answer these questions?)

#1 When did you/your ancestor come to the US?
#2 With who?
#3 Why?
#4 Where? (Where in Japan → Where in the US?)
#5 What was the most difficult/hard/bitter thing that happened to you in the US?
#6 What was the happiest thing?
#7 Did you experience any kind of discrimination? How?
#8 The condition (of discrimination) became better compared with the present and the past?
#9 What do you think about this present society(Asian-American)?
#10 Any other opinions ...




#1 When did you/your ancestor come to the US?
The old days.
#2 With who?
#3 Why?
To satisfy a dream
#4 Where? (Where in Japan → Where in the US?)
#5 What was the most difficult/hard/bitter thing that happened to you in the US?
Work and home. Then, different cultural communication.
#6 What was the happiest thing?
#7 Did you experience any kind of discrimination? How?
#8 The condition (of discrimination) became better compared with the present and the past?
#9 What do you think about this present society(Asian-American)?
#10 Any other opinions ...



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