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Free talk
  • 英語郎
  • 2006/09/19 18:12






日本語は、トピ主の私だけの特権ということにさせて下さい。M(_ _)M

  • 英語郎
  • 2006/09/20 (Wed) 13:54
  • Report

>>#7 No Japanese please.

  • observer
  • 2006/09/20 (Wed) 16:08
  • Report

I agree.
Sometimes, people have to force something to others to my opinion.
If it is mandatory to speak English, just obey the rule.
If it isn't, it isn't.
Simple is that!

You go laugh at a guy telling him that he speaks lousy English, which is true.
You go keep throwing dirty words to insult the guy, which makes fun to you.
Weeks, months, or sometimes years later, you'll have a major backfire eventually either direct or indirect.
You can catch up me on a slip of my pen telling, "That's got to be directly or indirectly, i.s.o. direct or indirect. Grammatically wrong." but what does that tell you?
It is my strong suggestion not to make a big deal out of it.
Language is language, it's nothing more than that and nothing less than that, neither.

Close your eyes, take a deeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath, relax and calm down.
Realize how tiny things you are concerned too much sensitively.
Go out and go have smoke (if you smoke) and think of it.
If you feel insecure, this is the first thing you've got to do.


If you order something at reataurant ,food court, or somewhere else, How do you order in conversation.
I know these phrases below.
Can I have (get) 〜?
Let me get 〜 ?
I'll have(take) 〜.
But I want to know other phrases ,like more smart.
Could somebody teach me that ?


the harder you study english,
the more fluent you can speak it.


#3 your english sucks!!! no one ever says "It isn't a worthwhile topic." your english is so typical of japanese who sucks at english!!

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