
1. 日本旅行に関することは、何でもアリ、のトピ(1004kview/4417res) フリートーク 今日 17:53
2. 歯のディープクリーニング(186view/4res) 疑問・質問 今日 16:26
3. 今の彼でいいかどうか(476view/3res) お悩み・相談 今日 07:35
4. 独り言Plus(504kview/4127res) フリートーク 今日 00:03
5. 時代も変わった(390view/11res) お悩み・相談 昨日 14:52
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  • tax man
  • mail
  • 2020/03/24 22:36


  • 2020/03/25 (Wed) 13:03
  • 報告


  • 質問1
  • 2020/03/25 (Wed) 13:07
  • 報告

今のところ永住者でも納税していれば貰えるという理解でいいみたいで。。。レスありがとうございます。 うちは私が永住者で夫が市民、共働きでジョイントでファイルしてます。そういう場合はどうなんだろう?と思った次第です。

  • tax man
  • 2020/03/25 (Wed) 13:17
  • 報告

Social Security番号を持つもの。
所得が無くても、受けられるということ(特に、Social Securityのみ

受けられないのは、Non Resident Alien。(1040NRで申告した人)

シングルでは、$99,000.00でHead of Household で$146,500、


Congress likely to send taxpayers $1,200 checks in coronavirus aid. Here’s who qualifies

Those payments are expected to be $1,200 for individuals, or $2,400
for those who are married and file income taxes jointly. It also includes $500 per child.

But you have to meet certain qualifications in order to be eligible for the money,
based on your adjusted gross income in your 2018 tax returns. If you earn more than $75,000 as an individual,
$112,500 as the head of household or $150,000 if you are married and filing jointly, the amount of those checks starts to get reduced.

Checks will be reduced by $5 for every $100 exceeding those thresholds.
It completely phases out at $99,000 in income for individuals,
$146,500 for head of household filers with one child and
$198,000 for joint filers with no children.

However, you are still eligible for a check if you have no income or
if you rely solely on non-taxable government benefit programs like Supplemental Security Income benefits, or
]SSI, from Social Security.

You also must have a valid Social Security number in order to receive the funds.

If you didn’t yet file a 2019 return, the government will use your 2018 information if it has it.
It also may use a 2019 Social Security benefit statement, or Form SSA-1099, or
the Social Security Equivalent Benefit Statement, or Form RRB-1099.

Some individuals are specifically excluded from receiving payments.

That includes nonresident aliens, individuals whose deductions can go to another taxpayer, and estates or trusts.

The legislation calls for sending out the payments “as rapidly as possible.”

Eligible individuals will receive the funds electronically
if they previously authorized refunds to be delivered to them that way.
Otherwise, they will be sent out via postal mail.

Congress’ coronavirus relief bill would also significantly expand unemployment benefits for Americans
who lose their jobs due to the country’s recent economic contagion.
Self-employed workers, those seeking part-time work, and workers
who quit their job or can’t reach their place of work as a result of COVID-19 are among those eligible for benefits.

  • stimulus
  • 2020/03/25 (Wed) 13:23
  • 報告

Those who paid less than $1,200 in taxes in 2018 would receive a smaller rebate, at a minimum of $600. Some of the nation’s poorest families fall into that category.

  • stimulus
  • 2020/03/25 (Wed) 13:26
  • 報告


“ アメリカからのコロナウイルスに対する支援金に関して ” に対する書き込みの有効期限は終了しました。