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Free talk
  • kkpp
  • 2012/10/05 09:35



Winter Blendがリリースされれば多少下がるかとは思います。短期的には。

  • kuji
  • 2012/10/08 (Mon) 18:03
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  • Alano.
  • 2012/10/09 (Tue) 08:31
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やっぱり来るな、、と思ってましたが4年前の大統領選挙の時と同じで短期間、約4ヶ月で終わると思います。 但し前回はBush さん側近達のボーナス配当理由だったのですが、余りにも酷過ぎてGM が(計画的だったかどうかはさておいて)倒産するまでになってしまいましたが今回はオバマ大統領を再選させない為だけの理由なのでそこまで酷くならないと思います。
権力者達に振り回されてて真面目に働いている一般市民には本当に良い迷惑ですよね。。。。 これって中国、ロシアの悪口いえないですよね。



  • 2012/10/09 (Tue) 16:08
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  • romney
  • 2012/10/09 (Tue) 17:16
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2008 - Before the last election Obama said that children were starving to death and people couldn't afford to look for work because of Bush. Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein complained about oil prices and blamed the "oil men" Bush and Cheney. Gas was at that completely unacceptable $1.81/gal. Obama blamed Bush.

2010: Obama's energy secretary Steven Chu was in a TV interview and he wanted gas at $7gal in order to help wind and solar.

2012 - Gas=$4.65/gal. California liberals voted Obama in office, now we are paying for it. These California fools want more Obama. If Obama wins, he would continue to push that LIBERAL GREEN AGENDA and gas will be at least $10 a gallon when he leaves office in 2016.

Making the most profit off a gallon of gasoline is NOT the oil companies. It is the FEDERAL Government. Making the second most profit off a gallon of gasoline is the State government.
FACT: Exxon oil profit world wide sales in 2011=8 cents a gallon.
California tax per gallon=66.1 cents a gallon (18.4 cents federal).

The oil companies have to find the oil, pay to explore, invest in the risk, construct the equipment to get it, employ the people to make it happen, transport and ship it, and distribute it. What does the government have to do? Nothing but regulate it and slice off their piece of the pie and blame profit taking on the oil company.

Good Luck All. I'm a democrat and my vote is for ROMNEY!!!!




Hi Romney,

I am a registered voter living in Los Angeles.
Does my vote count?
I never liked Obama and I despite Romney for what he had to say about freeloaders.
But if the oil price to be lower than $4/gallon under Romney, I will vote for him.
Again, does my vote count?


#10, romny.... #11, a voter,
I want to ask you to think the following and you can make sure if you are making a right decision or not.... It's freedom country, no obligation!!

1st, Think who created WAR in Mid-East? after a while war started, oil price jagged up?

2nd, Think who used up all taxpayer's money for wars in Iraq and Afganistan? and let thousands of American soldier died, and sacrified hundreds thousands of Iraqies and Amganistanese lives in the wars.

3rd, Think who created sub-prime loan for poor people easily to buy houses, even unable to aford the mortgage? today, you see too many Bank-own, short-pay, foreclosures....

4th, Think who really care about mid-class living today, and try to make a better living for mid-class American. (I don't think it can be done perfectly, but hopefully, it will be better one day.)

One thing I can say is economy restracturing does'nt effect and happend so easy and quick. Clinton spent 8 year at white house and contributed a better economy when he left white house. Afterword, Bush (Republican) did 1,2,3 and that is what we are facing today.
You want to see 1, 2, 3, again??

Do you know the popularity of American in the world-wide??
what I mean is American is not favored by foreigners (European, Mid-Easter, and some other countries)....
Let's make America a better country and respected by people in the world.
I vote for OBAMA/Democrat....

  • romney
  • 2012/10/10 (Wed) 17:05
  • Report

2008: YES, WE CAN. Obama promised to CHANGE.
Obama Campaign promises.
“I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”
“I promise NO NEW TAXES on a family making less than $250K a year.”
“I will allow 5 days of public comment before I sign any bills.”
“I will remove earmarks from PORK projects before I sign any bill.”
“I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”
"I will bring ALL of our troop’s home within ONE year."
“I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so everyone can see who is at the table!”.
“I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."
"I'll close Guantanamo."
"I'll resign if I don't cut the deficit in half by the end of four years."
"I'll unite the people of this great country."
"If I can't fix the economy, I will be a one term president."
2010: Obama sued Arizona to stop them from arresting Illegal immigrants.
"The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution."-Thomas Jefferson.
The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, opposes AZ’s new immigration laws. Arizona’s Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver’s criticism of the new law:
“What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying?"
2012:National unemployment=8%. California unemployment=10%
Obama's Failed Deportations: 19 Murders, 142 Sex Crimes.
Obama still blames on Bush.The main question Obama still faces is:
'Are you better off now than you were four years ago?'
as Ronald Reagan put it in ousting Jimmy Carter in 1980.


Hey Romney,

So has he promised the gas price will be lower and will stay lower if he is elected?

  • Paul Ryan
  • 2012/11/05 (Mon) 11:08
  • Report


Obama's Energy secretary, Steven Chu, says gas prices should be in the $9- or $10-a-gallon range.

Obama's Energy secretary, Steven Chu says we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe, $10-a-gallon. We’re on the way.

In the CBS This Morning interview, the former House speaker went on to say this: Steven Chu, Obama's secretary of Energy, said he wanted gasoline prices in America to get to the European level which is $9 or $10 a gallon."

Obama’s Secretary Of Energy Once Wanted $10/Gallon Gas

Obama's secretary of energy, Dr. Steven Chu, "has said publicly he wants us to pay European levels (for gasoline), and that would be $9 or $10 a gallon."

Obama's Energy Secretary Steven Chu says: "$10 gas just like Europe. Cool!

President Obama’s Change
“Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” That would put gas at about $10 a gallon.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu wants American prices to be about the European level, which would be $9 or $10 a gallon.

Energy Secretary Steven Chu said what America needs is the same gas prices as Europe. That is $8 to $10 a gallon.

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