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My Japanese wife is a liar

연애 / 우정
  • Kevin
  • 메일
  • 2018/11/07 11:05

Watch out for my lying, cheating, physically abusive Japanese wife. She looks like the Apple of your eye. But she has rotted to the core. She couldn't trust because she had a secret she couldn't share. She was a hostess. A drop out in high school .She hid from me because she knew it was vulgar. But she couldn't trust because she sat and drank with so many men. Her thinking was they were all the same. Her mind was tainted. I lived in her HELL! Her Xhusband told me her many secrets. Secrets that before I even knew, my intuition told me were true. Now she roams with a broken heart. I don't feel bad for this is what she has sown. Just her child will live in the horror of the mom's sin. So watch out and beware of the apple that will bite you like a serpent,it is rotted to the core.

  • うちの旦那も
  • 2018/11/22 (Thu) 22:52
  • 신고


  • 茶々
  • 2018/11/23 (Fri) 04:53
  • 신고



This time I told in Japanese to some person who wrote in Japanese.
I already wrote in Englosh to who wrote in English.

  • Chacha
  • 2018/11/23 (Fri) 10:15
  • 신고

Why your Japanese and English are both so bad? You don't check before you submit it?

  • 000じゃー
  • 2018/11/23 (Fri) 10:52
  • 신고


  • ウザい奴
  • 2018/11/23 (Fri) 11:50
  • 신고


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