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981. 蚊に刺されの対策(5kview/37res) 미용 / 건강 2020/09/11 20:07
982. GOLD(2kview/7res) 배우기 2020/09/11 19:27
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984. LAダウンタウンに魚べい発見!(6kview/58res) 음식 2020/09/09 23:42
985. アパートの違約金について(6kview/33res) 고민 / 상담 2020/09/09 22:53
986. 何方か、家賃滞納なんですが(21kview/88res) 고민 / 상담 2020/09/09 18:15
987. トラウマ(8kview/45res) 고민 / 상담 2020/09/09 17:51
988. インターネットとハウス電話 (LAND LINE)(15kview/81res) 거주 2020/09/07 21:24
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990. 日本に荷物を送りたい(1kview/5res) 질문 2020/09/06 08:59


고민 / 상담
  • 再開
  • mail
  • 2020/05/24 17:55




  • 何回払い?
  • 2020/05/25 (Mon) 07:08
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Does this mean tenants don’t need to pay their rent?
No, this moratorium is not a waiver of rent. Residential tenants and commercial tenants with nine (9) or fewer employees will have up to 12 months following the end of the Moratorium Period to repay any past due payments. Commercial tenants with 10 but less than 100 employees will have up to six (6) months following the end of the moratorium to pay back any past due rent in equal payments unless you have made prior arrangements with the property owner.

  • 再開
  • 2020/05/25 (Mon) 15:31
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Limonadaさん、Thank you very much. あー助かりました。何故 税金払いましたが、補助金対象外なのに 個人事業主で申しめと言われまして やれやれ。

  • オポ
  • 2020/05/25 (Mon) 16:55
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