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9591. | レイザー治療(875view/0res) | Chat Gratis | 2009/02/03 09:03 |
9592. | 副収入を得る方法がありますか?(5kview/16res) | Preocupaciones / Consulta | 2009/02/03 09:03 |
9593. | アメリカではいる健康保険(1kview/1res) | Preocupaciones / Consulta | 2009/02/03 09:03 |
9594. | ドルをそのままアメリカに送金(586view/0res) | Preocupaciones / Consulta | 2009/02/03 09:03 |
9595. | TOYOTAロングビーチグランプリ(2kview/15res) | Chat Gratis | 2009/02/02 20:54 |
9596. | 卒業証明書(1kview/1res) | Chat Gratis | 2009/02/02 18:03 |
9597. | 更年期の症状だと思うんですが、皆さんはどんな症状があって、何かしてますか?(694view/0res) | Preocupaciones / Consulta | 2009/02/02 18:03 |
9598. | 特許の取り方(1kview/5res) | Chat Gratis | 2009/02/02 16:16 |
9599. | みんな逃げて!!オバマ就任直後に何かが起こる?(6kview/38res) | Chat Gratis | 2009/02/02 16:16 |
9600. | 日本での離婚届けについて(6kview/8res) | Preocupaciones / Consulta | 2009/02/02 16:16 |
- #1
- レイザー
- 2009/02/03 09:03
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- #1
- 生活に困ってます
- Correo
- 2008/12/29 15:52
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- #1
- k-suke
- 2009/02/01 16:20
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- #1
- レジレジ
- 2009/02/03 09:03
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- #1
- bonjin
- 2009/01/08 06:51
本年度開催に 行かれる方 または 過去に行かれた方 教えてください
当日は 車だと 相当混むんでしょうか??
ベストな行き方は 何がよいと思いますでしょうか??
路面電車が有ったと思うのですが 電車の沿線で 有料でも構いませんが車が 置ける所って 在りますでしょうか??とか言いましても 電車も混むのでしょうかね??
ご存知の方 宜しくお願い致します
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- #1
- hola
- Correo
- 2009/01/30 17:44
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- #1
- 悩める子羊
- 2009/02/02 18:03
最近、頭痛、夜中に目が覚める、便秘、記憶障害、イライラ、疲労など色々な症状が出はじめてきたのですが、これって更年期障害ですよね。 もうすぐ50歳になるので、多分そうだと思うのですが、皆さんは、どんな症状がありますか?
また、その症状を緩和する為に何かしたり、サプリを飲んだりしてますか? 大豆のイソフラボンやザクロやビタミンBが良いと聞いてますが、他に何かお勧めのものがあったら是非教えてください。 市販のもので、エストロベンとかいうのも売ってますが、飲んで効いた方はいますか?
それにしても、こういう症状っていつまで続くものなんでしょうか。 結構つらいです。
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- #1
- kerr
- 2009/01/19 15:57
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- #1
- yenyen
- 2008/12/01 18:15
Nov. 20, 2008 My Fellow Americans:
Something incredible and historic is about to take place here in our country. When it does, the nation will reel in shock and awe at the coordination and execution of such a vast, sudden, dramatic and irreversible series of events.
When these things take place, your initial reaction may be one of fear but DO NOT be afraid. These things have to happen. They have needed to happen for a very long time and after they happen, our nation will be better for it.
Every once in awhile, people have to do things they know are bad in order to achieve things they know are good. America as a nation is at such a cross-roads. We are left with two choices: either accept the debauchery, manipulation and usurpation that have taken place, or correct those problems with deliberate and direct action.
We can no longer sit idly-by and simply accept the debauchery, manipulation and usurpation. It is going to be corrected very soon by extraordinary and stunning means.
When these things happen - and they will happen soon - do not be afraid, America. The actions are long overdue and need to occur.
To those outside of the United States, a stern warning: When we correct the problems of this nation, the correction will happen with such magnitude that your first reaction may be to step-in.
You are herewith warned to stay away.
Make no effort whatsoever to interfere with what is going to take place inside the United States. We have some problems as a nation that we citizens are going to cure with dramatic and shocking action. Any outsiders who attempt to interfere will be dealt with harshly.
UPDATE: 9:11 AM 20 November 2008 -- The government knows "something big" is coming; they just don't know what.
They are mailing "general mobilization" letters to EVERY former member of EVERY branch of the U.S. military, no matter their age or physical capability, telling them to prepare for recall into the armed forces for a "general mobilization." The last time the USA made a general mobilization was in December, 1941.
That's how big this "thing" is going to be. Prepare yourselves and DO NOT be afraid.
SECOND UPDATE 10:15 AM 20 November 2008 -- Some of you have contacted me with questions of a Biblical nature, suggesting that only Almighty God Himself can fix things, and saying they are just waiting for that to happen. Those folks had better think again.
Do you really believe that The Christ will return to raise all the dead and bring down the army from Heaven, so HE can do all the work while YOU sit back and watch?
If you believe that, you'd better get your head out of your ass.Everyone. . . . . absolutely everyone had better prepare themselves to step-up.
No one -- absolutely, positively, no one -- will be able to sit this out.
Posted by at 11/20/2008 08:09:00 AM
2)Powell Warns of Crisis "We Don't Even Know About Right Now
- #10
- yenyen
- 2008/12/04 (Thu) 06:08
- Informe
- #11
- エドッコ3
- 2008/12/04 (Thu) 10:25
- Informe
yenyen さん、
9.11 の後は静かでしたよ、飛行機が1機も飛べなかったんだから。
ウー、泳いで逃げるってぇ手もありますね、映画 Papillon みたいに。^^
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- e-mo
- 2009/01/19 15:57
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