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411. Experience with Wise(1kview/2res) Other 2022/09/22 08:12
412. Japanese address in English(6kview/26res) Question 2022/09/22 07:23
413. Bank of america(7kview/15res) Word of mouth 2022/09/21 14:00
414. Hispanic culture(16kview/36res) Free talk 2022/09/19 13:00
415. Passport application after naturalization in the U...(1kview/6res) Question 2022/09/17 06:18
416. On the death of Shinzo Abe(45kview/420res) Free talk 2022/09/16 20:21
417. About Caregiver Work(133kview/295res) Free talk 2022/09/16 16:46
418. Digital Floral Offering Site" where you can send f...(28kview/163res) Free talk 2022/09/16 07:50
419. information bulletin board(8kview/40res) Problem / Need advice 2022/09/13 16:16
420. The Near Future Concerned by Russia's Advance into...(124kview/826res) Free talk 2022/09/13 15:47

Experience with Wise

  • その昔そして今
  • mail
  • 2022/09/18 05:04

I wrote about my experience with Wise in the topic ?, but no matter how many times I put it up, it is not published. I think it is not good from Vivinavi's point of view ?.
I'm not a Wise person, but 、、、、 (^ ^;)
Please DM me if you would like to know the details of your experience using Wise. I will send you what I was going to post.

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Japanese address in English

  • LAND
  • mail
  • 2022/09/16 13:58

Zip code 100-9999

2505 Ohama, Kagura, Kanagawa - 1

Hanako Suzuki

The above is a fictitious address, but I need to write my parents' address in Japan for business here in America
. For example, is the following correct for this address ?


2505 - 1 OHAMA


Is this correct ?

Ohama = Ohama = OHAMA, can I use one O instead of two ?

Also, is it necessary to write the prefecture or city ?

If so, would it be "KANAGAWA-KEN" or "KAGURA-SHI" in romaji ?

or would it be "KAGURA-CITY"? KAGURA-CITY" ?

Anyway, it is all right if the mail is delivered, but I don't know how to express it, so please tell me.
Please do.

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Bank of america

Word of mouth
  • bank of america
  • mail
  • 2022/09/15 21:06

Can you tell me which Bank of America branches have Japanese language service? A phone number for Japanese language service would also be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Hispanic culture

Free talk
  • はい
  • 2022/09/10 15:42

How is it easy to live with a majority of Hispanics ?
Is it troublesome ??

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Passport application after naturalization in the U.S.

  • KC
  • mail
  • 2022/09/16 12:02

We have Oath scheduled for this month for both of our spouses and plan to apply for passports immediately afterwards.
We would like to apply for passports for our children ( ages 12 and 14 ) but of course they do not have proof of naturalization, so we will be using the parents' naturalization certificates that came back from their passport applications.
Arrangements are in progress for ordering and translating the family register.
All family members cannot apply for passports at the same time ?
Please advise me if you have any experience applying for passports after naturalization.

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On the death of Shinzo Abe

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  • Bad Momo
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  • 2022/07/08 10:02

What do you mean ?
who did it ?

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  • 真の愛国者?
  • 2022/07/12 (Tue) 12:32
  • Report

・ The public agreed, a prolonged great recession due to the complete mismanagement of Abenomics
・ Drinking and socializing at a ryotei in Akasaka during the torrential rain damage in western Japan
・ Trump was forced to buy a large
number of defective F 35 fighter planes at an arbitrary price during the US-Japan talks. Trump had F 35s heavily discounted at home.
Abe was giving his regards to the owner of an antique shop who complimented him on his forgeries.

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  • 霊感商法
  • 2022/07/12 (Tue) 12:43
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The Abe family has been its poster child since the generation of the old man
Nine of the LDP ministers are ( former ) Unification Church members

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  • ww
  • 2022/07/12 (Tue) 13:21
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# 93

There is no democracy, justice, truth, or truth where one cannot criticize power and authority.
You don't know Galileo ・ who was suppressed in the medieval Christian era because he advocated the geocentric theory, or Giordano ・ who was burned at the stake, or Bruno ? who was burned at the stake.

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  • ズブズブヤン
  • 2022/07/12 (Tue) 14:03
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Read this and you will understand the relationship between Shinzo Abe and the Unification Church.

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  • 田舎君
  • 2022/07/12 (Tue) 15:49
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The Yamagami family members will have a spectacular life.
Will Akie-san become a politician ? Subtle

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About Caregiver Work

Free talk
  • Nina
  • mail
  • 2022/07/27 20:00

Let's exchange information and talk about your problems.
Basically, you can talk about anything, but be careful not to give out personal information.

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  • まりりん
  • 2022/08/14 (Sun) 01:52
  • Report

I, too, read both the recruitment and the alert and had my doubts.
I don't think $ 100 is possible in 2 hours for a regular care giver.
As you said, hourly rate, it could be that they wrote those alerts in an attempt to lower the competition. If that recruitment is true, I think the conditions are not bad. I don't have to worry about rent, and I don't have to pay for food. However, there seem to be some pitfalls and risks, so I wouldn't want to take on a private person to private person.

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  • 時給
  • 2022/08/14 (Sun) 11:26
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If you take it on between individuals, especially care givers, there would be a risk because if something goes wrong, you would have to rely on common sense and humanity the rest of the way, especially since workers' compensation and compensation issues are not clear when you get injured, etc., and you don't have workers' compensation on your personal side.
Inexperienced people would also be a risk. There are young people who can't do anything. Well, we won't know until we interview them and ask for details. Someone argued against the information board, didn't they? That's right.

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  • とっさん
  • 2022/08/14 (Sun) 11:29
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People above must think care givers and housekeepers are the same
2 hours $ If you think 100 is impossible, it's because you are at an unqualified level.

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  • 🏁から
  • 2022/08/14 (Sun) 11:42
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Why do you say $ 100 for 2 hours?
Then 12 hours X $ 50 equals $ 600.
Miscalculations are a bit unconvincing.

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  • 時給
  • 2022/08/14 (Sun) 11:50
  • Report

? ?
The advertiser is not looking for a qualified caregiver, is he? I don't know how qualified they are, but there are no qualified people who have taken a 10 hour course or so.
Is that a dream amount of money ?
All you have to do is register with a place that pays that much.

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Digital Floral Offering Site" where you can send flowers and messages online to former Prime Minister Abe.

Free talk
  • flower
  • mail
  • 2022/08/26 20:51

For those of you who live far away in the U.S. and have not been able to say your final goodbyes, please do so by making a digital offering of flowers and sending a message of thanks to Abe.

If you turn on the sound, you can listen to "Hana wa Saku" which Mr. Abe played on the piano before his death
You can see the messages from Abe and Akie below, and then click → button to go to the flower donation site

You can also read other people's messages by clicking the donated flowers

English You can also read the messages in English.

Please spread the message to your American friends, family and acquaintances Let's send a message to Mr. Abe and Mrs. Akie in heaven

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"When I talk to you, the younger generation,
I am amazed at how many of you think
that you want to do something for the world, your community, Japan and the world.

That is why I have high expectations for all of you.
Please take up the challenge, and even if you fail, please get up.

And with your abundant young power, create a better world."

March 19, 2022, at the graduation ceremony of Kinki University
Shinzo Abe, the 90th Prime Minister of Japan

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"As a politician I'm sure he had a lot of unfinished business, but
he had his own spring, summer, fall, and winter, and finally, winter.
He has planted so many seeds that they will sprout."

July 12, 2022, at the farewell ceremony for former Prime Minister Abe at Zojoji Temple
Akie Abe

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information bulletin board

Problem / Need advice
  • 情報掲示版
  • mail
  • 2022/09/08 13:57

Please everyone give me some advice.

I recently found "moving to another state" on an information board
and contacted him.
He invited me to meet him once, even though we did not communicate in detail.
Is this a normal case in the U.S. ?
or is this a new type of dating ??

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The Near Future Concerned by Russia's Advance into Ukraine

Free talk
  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • mail
  • 2022/02/24 11:59

I am fed up with Russian propaganda with disinformation, but Putin's selfishness and thick-skinned duplicity is Trump himself. Putin's self-serving duplicity is Trump himself. He has incited division, increased discrimination, and set back human values by decades, and he has disrupted and strained the world order and set back the state of governance to what it was a long time ago. It is precisely the same that seeks to destroy democracy with force and impunity.

The contradiction is that the side that is pressuring Ukraine to abandon its nuclear weapons possesses powerful nuclear weapons, and the one-sided threat structure of the strong side is problematic.

The Russian outburst has also sort of affirmed North Korea's stance, since the reality is that a small country can easily be invaded by force even in this day and age unless it has nuclear weapons.

If the world continues to ignore Russia, public opinion will turn to such a uniform color, and the world will move in the opposite direction of world peace, but there is a high probability that Ukraine will actually be abandoned.

Since Russia has not joined NATO, is not an ally, and the return to its own country is not worth it, at least military intervention is unrealistic, and economic sanctions seem to be the only way to deal with the situation.

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  • 傍観だけでは終われなくなった3
  • 2022/04/12 (Tue) 17:42
  • Report

> No uploading of war and trouble from civilians on social networking sites and Facebook
Of course it's a big problem if the military deployment and weapons are revealed, but this is war, and if you clearly show your intention to be on either side, that would immediately indicate that you are an enemy of one side or the other.

The war situation can change at a moment's notice, and it is still a considerable risk to leave evidence of which side you are supporting.

I have a feeling that the side holding the area would definitely want to know which side you are on if there were civilians in the area, and they would be the first to check your phone or something.

Especially those who were tortured and killed individually, I think this is exactly the kind of pattern that revealed the enemy side.

So while the massacre of civilians would be on the Russian side, I don't think it would be surprising if either side was responsible for the small-scale individual massacres themselves.

> Seriously, please stop
Really. But it seems that Russia has a record of using chemical weapons, so it's possible.

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  • やっぱりね!~
  • 2022/04/16 (Sat) 08:53
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  • またこいつ
  • 2022/04/17 (Sun) 19:33
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↑ Who believes his videos, Aho ~ ~ ~ ~ !

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  • ロシア
  • 2022/04/17 (Sun) 22:48
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# I also believe in 628. I love Russia. I support Russia. I am melancholy. I am crazy about Russian movies.

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  • 真実はここ
  • 2022/04/18 (Mon) 09:09
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