英語で新聞の記事を読んでいて、どうしても??な文章があります。どなたか訳をおしえていただけませんか? The children were clean and healthy--downright plump in the case of the infant, said Joyce Miller, a nurse who examined them. It was clear, she said, that "time had been taken with those kids." この最後の部分のtime had been taken with those kidsってどういう訳になりますか?これって、なんか特別ないいまわしなんでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
またまたきいてもいいですか? More than 900 hospital buildings that state officials have identified as needing either retrofitting or total replacement have yet to receive them, and the state recently agreed to five-year extensions to hospitals that can't meet the 2008 deadline to make the fixes. の中で、 total replacement have yet to receive them, がわかりません。themってなんでしょうか?have yet toはhave toのあいだにyetがはいったもの?それとも全然別の意味でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
have yet to receive は have not yet received と言い換えれば日本で習う現在完了形になるからわかりやすいとおもう。
that state officials have identified as needing either retrofitting or total replacement は一まとめで考えます。thatから始まるめちゃめちゃ長い関係代名詞ですよ。もちろんMore than 900 hospital buildings にかかってます。