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2. 独り言Plus(147kview/3174res) Chat Gratis Hoy 00:07
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Chat Gratis
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  • 2022/11/15 20:08


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  • 2023/05/11 (Thu) 10:39
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今日もどんどん入って来てる 今なら無罪放免でどこにも行ける 中国人が多いらしい  明日になったら入れなくなるからね

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  • 2023/05/11 (Thu) 10:48
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  • 2023/05/11 (Thu) 10:57
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売電は難民申請の受付のため政府職員を増員している 不法入国阻止のためではない

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  • 2023/05/11 (Thu) 11:06
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BREAKING: Biden’s Border Patrol chief has sent out a memo authorizing the release of migrants into the U.S. WITHOUT court dates (Fox News)

That means it’s going to be a free for all

  • (笑)
  • 2023/05/11 (Thu) 13:49
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Most Americans do not realize that near 7 MILLION have already come in, illegally, since Biden took office.

I’m old enuf to remember these illegals, on their journey to our border, were given Biden T-shirts. Coming here with $1250 cash cards from the UN and the US.

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