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Digital Floral Offering Site" where you can send flowers and messages online to former Prime Minister Abe.

Free talk
  • flower
  • mail
  • 2022/08/26 20:51

For those of you who live far away in the U.S. and have not been able to say your final goodbyes, please do so by making a digital offering of flowers and sending a message of thanks to Abe.

If you turn on the sound, you can listen to "Hana wa Saku" which Mr. Abe played on the piano before his death
You can see the messages from Abe and Akie below, and then click → button to go to the flower donation site

You can also read other people's messages by clicking the donated flowers

English You can also read the messages in English.

Please spread the message to your American friends, family and acquaintances Let's send a message to Mr. Abe and Mrs. Akie in heaven

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"When I talk to you, the younger generation,
I am amazed at how many of you think
that you want to do something for the world, your community, Japan and the world.

That is why I have high expectations for all of you.
Please take up the challenge, and even if you fail, please get up.

And with your abundant young power, create a better world."

March 19, 2022, at the graduation ceremony of Kinki University
Shinzo Abe, the 90th Prime Minister of Japan

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"As a politician I'm sure he had a lot of unfinished business, but
he had his own spring, summer, fall, and winter, and finally, winter.
He has planted so many seeds that they will sprout."

July 12, 2022, at the farewell ceremony for former Prime Minister Abe at Zojoji Temple
Akie Abe

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • flower@↓↓献花サイトのメッセージコピペ♪
  • 2022/08/29 (Mon) 15:13
  • Report

Mr. Abe loved Japan, believed in Japan, and did his best for Japan to the end.
"What have I left behind?"
As the lyrics suggest, he must have asked himself this question every day.
Japan's trust and connection with the world, economic development. Security. Thank you so much for restoring our confidence. Since that day, in our grief, we have further strengthened our resolve to pass on Abe's will to the next generation, asking ourselves. I hope that someday, when we meet again, we will be able to watch over the success of our juniors together as people who love Japan.
Thank you, Mr. Abe.

Midori-Qing, age 57

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • flower
  • 2022/08/29 (Mon) 17:25
  • Report

Yes, yes.
Anti-Japanese abegger,
You seem to be frustrated that Abe's legacy is steadfast. LOL!

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • flower@↓↓献花サイトのメッセージコピペ♪
  • 2022/08/29 (Mon) 17:27
  • Report

Abe ( I am sorry )
even though you are a former prime minister, thank you very much. When he made a speech in Osaka, he always brought the Hinomaru (Japanese flag).
Abe really looked good with the Hinomaru.

It was thanks to Abe that we could raise the flag proudly in the city.
As a Japanese, it is really refreshing to raise the Hinomaru !
Thank you very much.

I am actually a third generation zainichi, a naturalized Japanese.
I'm really sorry for all the unnecessary things my former compatriots have done.
Really, I am ashamed and sorry from the bottom of my heart.

To apologize, I will work for Japan even if it is a small effort !
I really love Japan. I want to do something for Japan.

Like Abe, I will work for a beautiful Japan that looks up to the Emperor.

Thank you so much, Abe.

The truth is, I'm 54.

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • 「反日安倍」ガー
  • 2022/08/30 (Tue) 20:02
  • Report

# 65 flower ( Auntie Abegatorger's muscle )

Mr. Abe was a genius at lying, but he's a quintessential parent and auntie muscle
is full of lies, deceit, and substitutions front interpretation. But still too bad at it. Auntie Muscle Money, the avegetagirl.

> Abe and Kishi were deeply involved with the Unification Church ? ? ?
Oh, they still say falsehoods without any evidence, that's why they are called "Abegaters"

If you close your eyes to the mountain of evidence, you will certainly be "without evidence",
without evidence ? now that all the media is exposing their underhanded misdeeds.
If you don't want to open up, ? you're an auntie with a streak of abject geezer-gar.

> If Abe, who was asked by heads of state through the then Korean UN Secretary General to send out a video message along with Trump and
politicians from other countries, is specially
involved with the Unification Church, then all politicians and media in Japan and the US are also
If Mr. Abe, who gave a video message along with other politicians, is specially involved with the Unification Church, it means that all Japanese and American politicians and media have been deeply involved.

, but then, you are not very good at gomaekashi, are you? No one else has been
so eager to allocate the votes of Unification Church followers in elections like Mr. Abe.
Your gomakashi is as childish as comparing miso and feces together and saying "what's the difference ?"
, you are a muscle-bound lady of abegatorger. w

> Japanese politicians, including those on the left and right, send congratulatory telegrams and ask for election volunteers.
they still do it, and so does the media.

Yes. So do others. But they don't have
as deep and long-lasting a relationship with the Unification Church as Abe does. The evidence of this is reported daily in newspapers, magazines, TV, and on the internet
every day now. Auntie Abigaytagar's streak.

> Now you are complaining about the superficial
involvement of politicians with a weak organization that has two orders of magnitude fewer followers than the Soka Gakkai,

so now you want to cheat with the number of followers ( you are not very good at it, W ). Weak group ?
( making evil look small ? laughing ). It's not about the number of followers, it's about how
vicious, illegal, and unlawful this cult is, and how anti-social or anti-Japanese
it is. The more I learn about it, the more chilling it is in its viciousness.
There is already an overflowing amount of evidence that Shinzo Abe was behind it, and that the relationship was a mutual holding and taking advantage
of each other. Shinzo Abe is truly
a pirate who deserves to die.
And the one who is lying and goma kashigi (gomakashi) and telling toothless, beautiful things
is the Aben Gator Guru, a woman with a muscle.

> The threat of communism is even worse than that

Oya oya oya, what is the sense of the times for this muscle-bound aunt ?
The threat of communism in Japan where the JCP's approval rating is still a few percent threat ?
You are still too bad a liar, you lack training. Your navel boils tea.
What's wrong with you is that you're an avegator muscle woman, a ・ a ・ a ・ a ・ a ・ a avegator.

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

  • 安倍ちゃん大好き
  • 2022/08/30 (Tue) 20:38
  • Report

Nikkan Gendai 04/01/2015
Prime Minister Abe was "dozing" at another country's state funeral
and was image-enhanced to become the laughing stock of the world.

At the upcoming Abe state funeral, let all Japanese doze off
and tell the world that this is a Japanese condolence.

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

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