こちらでご結婚された際のオーバーステイの期間は3ヶ月以内ですか?もし3ヶ月以内のオーバーステイならば3年間はビザが下りるのが難しいと思います。もし6ヶ月以上のオーバーステイの場合は10年間は待つことになると思います。 下記のセクション (DS-230 Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration form)のこの項目がNOでないと省かれてしまうと思います。 An alien who was previously ordered removed within the last 5 years or ordered removed a second time wihtin the last 20 years; who was previously unlawfully present and ordered removed within the last 10 years or ordered removed a second time within the last 20 years; who was convicted of an aggravated felony and ordered removed; who was previously unlawfully present in the United States for more than 180 days but less than one year who volutarily departed within the last 3 years; or who was unlawfully present for more than one year or an aggregate of one year within the last 10 years".