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- #1
- damnでし
- 2005/10/24 15:58
Millions of Japanese come in and out of the US every year.
Some for fun, others for business, and ... what else?
What makes those people fly in this country while they have hundreds of other options (nations or regions) to go?
Liberty and freedom, that's been something to describe this great continent for centuries since St. Mary hit a port of Boston (??? if my memory serves me right).
How do you define those long established terminology, "liberty" and/or "freedom"?
When people say, "free", what does it mean to you?
What kind(s) of freedom are you dreaming of?
You want to talk about JI-YU in this country where we currently live, don't you?
- #2
- あんじゅ です
- 2005/10/24 (Mon) 16:42
- 报告
英語はーーーえんりょしときます。 ^_^;
- #3
- ささかま
- 2005/10/24 (Mon) 17:28
- 报告
"Freedom" is independence.
If you want to feel free more, you have to be more independent from anything.
If you work for a company as an employee, you have to obey the office regulation. Are you free? My answer is "no".
If you are a student and make no money at all fully depending on somebody else's income, you have to listen to such person(s) who feed you. Are you free? My answer is "no".
Freedom is independence.
- #5
- damnでし
- 2005/10/24 (Mon) 18:24
- 报告
ちょっと立てるスレ誤ったか? ゴメン! また謝っとく。
Good start to devate.
Any one wants to jump in?
I would support your opinion: i.e.; "freedom" implies close enough connotation with "independence".
I think I have one more thing to add to that.
Freedom and safety go quite opposite directions.
The more free you become, the less secured you are.
Try to think of it.
Let me take the examples you just raised.
Case #1; You are a dependent of your parents and you don't feel comfortable to listen to your mom and dad. Your parents tell you to do this, do that, not to go there, be like that, etc.
You want to be free from your parents. You go out to grab it but all of sudden you are aware that you can't live without protection from your parents. You are less secured.
Case #2; You work for a company as one of the employees, and your boss just bugs you every half hour asking you for some stupid things. You may have to, by chance, change the bulb when it's gone for example, even though that's not something you are supposed to do.
You feel discomfortable with the situation and you want to make a major change in your life.
What do you do next?
You can write a resignation letter to leave the company.
You are no longer a company employee so you can't count on fixed amount of salary every other week, no one else covers your social security, you have to buy medical insurance 100% at your expense, no more auto-allowance from the company... You'll be aware all of sudden that you'd just dived into the real world just like a wild animal in the jungle.
You took freedom but meanwhile, you just sacrificed security you had enjoyed in the past.
Won't you agree?
- #6
i guess the topic is not interesting. why do you have to talk about "freedom"? i never talk about such a topic with my friends.
- #7
- damnでし
- 2005/10/25 (Tue) 14:40
- 报告
Yah, I agree. > #6
What do U recommend?
What subject would possibly attract you more?
Any idea or you just want to walk away?
- #8
i knew u would ask me so! hmm... what i'm interested in is... maybe movies??? there are some more other things i'm interested, but i'm not sure if they'll interest others!
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