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801. Please give me information about vaccination again...(20kview/65res) Beauty / Health 2021/04/17 14:51
802. cervical polyp(24kview/43res) Free talk 2021/04/15 19:24
803. Japanese fan(1kview/1res) Question 2021/04/15 18:49
804. Del Amo's bank of america Japanese speaking staff ...(32kview/47res) Free talk 2021/04/15 08:40
805. Unclear on w-2 in tax returns(1kview/5res) Question 2021/04/14 21:39
806. Hate crimes Deterioration of public safety(19kview/45res) Free talk 2021/04/13 19:43
807. About the PPP Program(1kview/9res) Question 2021/04/12 19:47
808. Matsuyama(4kview/19res) Free talk 2021/04/12 00:03
809. Corona sequelae(41kview/123res) Question 2021/04/10 14:55
810. Current international mail time between Japan and ...(10kview/11res) Question 2021/04/08 17:53

Please give me information about vaccination against Covid-19

Beauty / Health
  • Hope
  • 2021/04/05 17:45

I wanted to post a topic about the Covid-19 vaccine, hoping to hear opinions and impressions about the vaccine from those who have already been vaccinated, those who are going to be vaccinated,
and those who are not planning to be vaccinated at the present time.
I myself have not been vaccinated as of yet, but I would like to refer to your opinions and impressions.
I am sure there are many people who will be inoculating themselves, so I would be happy to exchange information with them. Thank you in advance.

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  • UZAI
  • 2021/04/14 (Wed) 18:02
  • Report

People are really too annoyed with those who choose not to hit.

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  • アホですか
  • 2021/04/15 (Thu) 09:12
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It is also my opinion that #60 writes that everyone is annoying.
It is also my opinion that #61 takes it as a dada thing.

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  • 倍金萬
  • 2021/04/15 (Thu) 11:12
  • Report

I had my second one two weeks ago and my gf had her second one yesterday.

I only got chills the day after the second time, but today
she is feeling much worse, complaining of chills and not feeling well.
Now she is taking tylenol and sleeping. The women around her seem to have worse side effects
the second time around. Still, if this will give me antibodies against corona, then va-va-voom!

If this gets to the whole population, we can move freely again. We are planning to go to FL and NY to see relatives and friends we haven't seen in decades
. I hope we can go this fall.

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  • ヴァ苦シーン
  • 2021/04/16 (Fri) 04:20
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> But if most of the population is vaccinated, and after 10 years or so those people disappear, a few will survive.
Surviving in a world of only that few people would be a boring world. I'd rather not have a future where only my family survives and there are no people around to treat them ! That's what I've come to inoculate myself with.

That won't happen, but if it does,
if you don't take the vaccine and no one is around in 10 years, you can disappear of your own accord then, so that's not a reason to take the vaccine.

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  • 美人短命
  • 2021/04/17 (Sat) 14:51
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I think the note said that the vaccine only works in June. That may be too short, as expected, but we certainly vaccinate every year for influenza and other diseases, perhaps to deal with variants. It is good to use one's own judgment. It might be hard to get into Japan.

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cervical polyp

Free talk
  • mai
  • mail
  • 2021/04/07 11:10

When I had a PAP today, I was told that I have polyps and should see a gynecologist.
I heard that they are seen quite often in women in their 30's-40's if they have had a baby, has anyone else experienced this?

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2021/04/14 (Wed) 17:03
  • Report


The fake Showa Otto seems to have disappeared.

The real ones remain.

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  • ぷっ!
  • 2021/04/14 (Wed) 17:34
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You bivinavi is all you have to live for.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2021/04/14 (Wed) 17:51
  • Report


it's perfect for coffee time after a day of errands.
Relaxation is the best part of coffee time.

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  • mei
  • 2021/04/15 (Thu) 12:51
  • Report

I have been looking at vivinavi less and less because I don't like it
when people who have nothing to do with the topic are always cursing and trolling each other
with their own faces and using foul language without much popularity.

I'm sorry for the delay in replying, but
I had a recurrence after my first polyp removal, but
I found out
that I had polyps when the doctor told me
after the hysterectomy in a different case, so it was like an after the fact report. I found out about it after the hysterectomy.
I remember being told that I would not know whether the polyp was malignant cancer or benign and could be left alone
until it was removed, so
I did not want to live my life worrying about it, so I did not hesitate to have the first surgery.
I recommend the surgery because it is a simple procedure with no big deal, but
I also had to pay for the didactyl $ 2500 yen out of my own pocket, so
I didn't think I would have it the second time.

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  • 2021/04/15 (Thu) 19:24
  • Report

I had polyps removed three times. Each time the polyps were about 5 mm in diameter, but it took less than a minute to remove them. The doctor told me that I was prone to polyps. After removing the polyps, they check to see if they are benign or malignant just to be sure. I would recommend seeing an OB/GYN for peace of mind. I had it done for only $10.00 Co-pay.

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Japanese fan

  • 扇風機
  • mail
  • 2021/04/15 07:43

I am looking for a fan with wings that I saw in Japan.
It was quiet, gentle like a breeze, height adjustable, swiveling, and had a timer. I couldn't find it on Amazon or Cosco. I am particular about the feathers being made in Japan. Please let me know if you know of one.

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  • 倍金萬
  • 2021/04/15 (Thu) 10:34
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Electrical products designed, manufactured, and shipped in Japan are not imported at all by manufacturers and distributors because the end price is ridiculously high and the market is not competitive at all when brought to the United States.

I don't know how well these products perform, but for a while dead-copies of Korean-made or Chinese-made electrical products, even if only in shape, were sold in the Korean market. However, recently I have not seen them in the stores properly either. Anyway, the mechanical shape of the propeller of that fan is exactly the same, and even if it is copied, the performance will not be the same if the material is not the same, so it would be impossible to get the same one here. If you must, the only way is to have it sent from Japan.

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Del Amo's bank of america Japanese speaking staff was there !.

Free talk
  • ぬりかべ
  • mail
  • 2020/09/07 18:57

Welcome !
He also speaks Japanese and Chinese.
Thank goodness ! !
Bank off America, right near Del Amo shopping mall in Torrance.
By the way, there was no Japanese speaking person at the Union Bank next door. ; ;

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  • ぬりかべ
  • 2020/11/28 (Sat) 22:02
  • Report

I'm sharing information ! I went to open an account for my child last week, and it seems that until the child turns 24, you can keep the account free as long as you only put $1 of money in the account ! It seems that you don't have to bring the child, you can create it if you know his SSN number.

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  • 昭和のおとっつぁん
  • 2020/11/29 (Sun) 07:30
  • Report

#It seems that you don't have to bring your child to make it if you know the SSN number.

Do you not need a registration signature?

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  • Bank
  • 2020/12/22 (Tue) 13:10
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Excuse me, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a branch of Bank of the West that has Japanese speaking staff?

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# 44

If the child is a minor, it looks like I don't have to sign anything !
In addition, I could create a 529 plan for a tax free education savings plan !.

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Bank of the West's Gardena branch was there two years ago, but I'm not sure if they are there now.

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Unclear on w-2 in tax returns

  • 篠山
  • 2021/04/12 22:04

Dear Taxman, I would be very happy if you could let me know if you see this.
My wife and I work for separate companies and each contribute to a retirement plan.
I looked at the w-2 and found that mine is 1 Ј(Wages... \™) and 5 ™(Medicare... \I have a 401(k) from my total annual income and a 3(social security...) from my total. \The wife's w-2, however, is 1.5 times her gross income minus her 401k contribution. However, the wife's w-2 is 1 is total minus retirement plan contributions (not 401k) and 3 and 5 are total.
In terms of the size of the numbers,
Wife:1 <3=5
Could this be a mistake by either company's accounting firm ??

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  • tax man
  • 2021/04/13 (Tue) 13:42
  • Report

I haven't seen the actual W-2, so I don't have a definitive answer, but
basically, a 401K or Traditional IRA has the effect of lowering your taxable income by deducting
income tax from the amount you pay, so
the amount in Box 1 of the W-2 is the amount of your 401K minus the amount of your Traditional IRA. The Social Security(3)
and Medicare(5) are usually the amounts that have not been subtracted from the 401K amount.

In addition, the W-2 form usually shows the statement as follows,
Your Gross Pay was adjusted as follows to produce your W-2 Statement.

In addition
Please refer to the following for a basic W-2 and 401K explanation.

On the other hand, your 401K contributions are not subject to Income Tax and reduce Box 1 of your W2; however,
your 401K Contributions are subject to Social Security Tax and Medicare Tax so they are not deducted from Boxes 3&5 of your W2.

I think you should check with your company I think you should check with your company.

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I don't see a problem maybe
your husband
Social Security(3) has a max of $ 142,800, so no matter how much more, 3 is $ 142,800
5(Medicare... \™) is not max
If 401K is Roth, then 1 and 5 should be the same.
traditional 401K with Wages less than $ 142,800, 3 and 5 should be the same, 1 less for 401k

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1.(Wages...) and 5.(Medicare...) 1(Wages...) and 5(Medicare...) are the total annual income and 3(social security...) are the total annual income. 1(Wages...) and 5(Medicare...) are your total annual income and 3(social security...) is your total income minus your 401k contribution.

I can't explain why the Social Security wage(3) is less than the 401k when the Social Security wage(3) is usually more than the 401k
Is it just a misunderstanding that the difference between ( 1 ) Wage and the max of Social Security wage(3) happens to be as much as the 401k amount?
Otherwise, tax man is right that you should check
and there is still another month before the deadline this year.

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  • 2020 クイズ
  • mail
  • 2021/04/14 (Wed) 18:27
  • Report

Is the Retirement Plan a Qualified Plan or Non-Qualified ?

Non-Qualified Plan is the same as
Box 1, Box 3 and Box 5 since the accumulation is not tax deductible. (However, Box 3 has a Max of $ 137,700€)

If the Plan is a Qualified Plan ( where the accumulation is tax-deferred ) then Box 1 (Taxable Income ) is Gross minus Retirement Plan minus Retirement Plan.
(Box 5 / Box 3 ) - Box 12a (D) = Box 1

I don't know the code and amount of Box 12 so I can't say, but in any case, Box 3 = Box 5 - Box 12a ( right ? ) If it is, that's odd.

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  • え?
  • 2021/04/14 (Wed) 21:39
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Shinoyama doesn't come up?

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Hate crimes Deterioration of public safety

Free talk
  • クライム
  • mail
  • 2021/04/03 21:29

We believe that the recent surge in Asian hate crimes and the release of violent criminals for ostensible reasons of lack of money since Biden is the cause of the recent increase in public safety.

Everyone should take care to protect themselves.

2020 is the year of the virus

2021 is the year of the crime spike


It threatens people's lives one after another in what can only be considered a human disaster.

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  • すぐ忘れる
  • 2021/04/13 (Tue) 14:17
  • Report

I know it was during the Trump presidency that BML rioted.

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  • 2021/04/13 (Tue) 14:37
  • Report

Correction to BLM Black Lives Matter. still active

BLM's motto is don't follow the bosses at work, the teachers at school, the police, and rebel ? Everyone is silent on this !.

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  • 無知
  • 2021/04/13 (Tue) 17:30
  • Report

The crazy person who resists and gets shot is going to say Obama is the president now.
The 20 year old Koch guy who was shot this time had a past arrest for illegal possession of a handgun on his driver's license
The police officer assumed he had a concealed handgun
He would have been shot if he ran into the car because there was a good chance he would have taken the handgun out.
he got what he deserved
just another idiot lost.

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  • 監獄
  • 2021/04/13 (Tue) 18:34
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This 20 year old Mr. Right, was a brilliant escape. He meekly pretended to be handcuffed, got right back in the driver's seat, and drove away. That's when he was shot. The female officer said she realized she had mistaken him for a Taser and shot him. But how dare she run away? This swift action must have flustered the cops. The case of the black man who is making so much noise is the resistance of a selfish criminal who does not want to go to jail. Do you also educate your children to resist ??

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  • ゲゲゲ
  • 2021/04/13 (Tue) 19:41
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I heard that this officer and the chief have resigned.
Sorry to hear that.

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About the PPP Program

  • PPP
  • mail
  • 2021/04/10 15:56

Please let me know if anyone is familiar with the PPP program.

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  • 学生
  • 2021/04/12 (Mon) 10:11
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I guess you mean the penpai nappo-appo pen ?.

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I think the bank I dealt with was the counter.
It was like submitting an application and then submitting a Tax Return and other necessary documents through an online portal.
You get a loan approval and the loan is forgiven.
I asked the bank I use for business ?.

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  • ケン
  • 2021/04/12 (Mon) 19:46
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#7 Student, …

that low-level thought process.
You are no better than an idiot.

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Free talk
  • Hide
  • mail
  • 2021/04/10 23:54

11 under after 3 days
4 shots behind 2nd
Could be the first Japanese to win the Masters
Looking forward to tomorrow.

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  • 松山
  • 2021/04/11 (Sun) 22:09
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I was very impressed
he made a bogey
he was under a lot of pressure
he had the mental strength to recover
I wonder how many titles he will win now.

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  • ムーチョロコモコ
  • 2021/04/11 (Sun) 22:35
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"Naomi Osaka" is correct.


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  • トントン
  • 2021/04/11 (Sun) 22:42
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There are
people like old man Zhang everywhere.

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  • あーこれか
  • 2021/04/11 (Sun) 23:21
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So this is what my husband was telling me during the rage time when I was bathing the kids. I don't know anything about sports, much less golf, and I'm busy right now😤, so I coldly brushed it off. It was a great thing, wasn't it? Your caddie's behavior is also newsworthy.

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  • とにかく嬉しいですね
  • 2021/04/11 (Sun) 23:52
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Takuma Sato impressed me, but Hideki Matsuyama is also great ! !

I used to be impressed by Nomo too!

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Corona sequelae

  • Yu
  • 2021/03/13 23:25

If you are a corona infected person suffering from the aftereffects, what are the symptoms and how long have they lasted, etc., please share your experiences.
I have been suffering from fatigue, chest and back pain, and breathlessness for almost 2 months now.
I have been examined and prescribed medications have not helped at all. The doctor gave me the attitude that it was an after-effect and that I should just wait and see. I continue to take the medicine that doesn't work and I am getting more and more anxious even though I have to put up with it.
How are other people dealing with the aftereffects ??

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  • 免疫
  • 2021/04/09 (Fri) 21:39
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Stress does 100 harms and no good

Most stress is money and relationships

When relationships go away

Stress goes away

Corona is the best

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  • 1番の後遺症は
  • 2021/04/09 (Fri) 22:12
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Maybe he's one of those people who just can't let go of their masks.

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I can't walk outside without a mask anymore.
I can't see people talking and spitting without a mask. I can't even walk outside without a mask.

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  • FBI
  • 2021/04/10 (Sat) 10:25
  • Report

Racist comment.
I have reported this commenter to be investigated.

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  • 引退老人
  • 2021/04/10 (Sat) 14:55
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↑ The FBI ain't got time for this.

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Current international mail time between Japan and the U.S.

  • Smok
  • mail
  • 2021/04/07 09:48

I am trying to send a power of attorney from here to a friend in Japan to apply for permanent residence and get a copy of his/her family register and return it to us. I am wondering if there is currently a delay in international mail using USPS or the post office. If anyone can tell me how long it took to be mailed to Japan in the near future, or how long it took to have it mailed from Japan, I would be very happy to know !.

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I asked my sister in Japan to send me things from a Kuroneko handling store. I was worried about whether they would accept it, but it arrived in the US within 10 days with no problems. DHL was the delivery service within the US.

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  • はい
  • 2021/04/08 (Thu) 15:21
  • Report

> #7
Ignorance is you.
What Topy wants to send is a copy of his family register.
Documents can be sent by EMS now.
I actually had them sent last month.
I'm not talking about sending a parcel.

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  • 日本語読める?
  • 2021/04/08 (Thu) 16:17
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# 9, which country's EMS are you talking about ?
I can see from the post office's website that the service has been suspended. There is no word yet that they have resumed the service.
U.S.A. ( U.S.A..)*The acceptance of EMS and some airmail services is temporarily suspended.

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Last week, I had a copy of my family register sent from Japan.
In an envelope by registered mail. it arrived in 6 days!

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  • 無知
  • 2021/04/08 (Thu) 17:53
  • Report

Nobody is talking about parcels
You think all mail is EMS ?
I'm saying you're wrong because you say it can be sent by EMS
You make sense ?
You're on the level of a biking machine.

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