A training school for beginners to professionals at a nail salon frequented by celebrities in LA. From manicure license support to job placement, we offer a full range of programs for those who want to become professional manicurists in LA. Obtaining a license ・ Shortcut to a work visa ! Salon work experience to become a professional manicurist in LA ! Networking and information gathering with local professionals. Book a free individual consultation !

MARS THE SALON LA offers the best program for those who want to learn nail art as a hobby or for those who are currently working in Japan and wish to become a manicurist in LA in the future.

Learn nail techniques at a high-end salon in LA ! Obtain a license ・ Shortcut to a work visa !
Salon work experience to become a professional manicurist in LA !

For those who want to become or are working in Japan We offer a salon work experience program in LA for those who are working in Japan.
The program includes interaction with salon staff who work with fashionistas from around the world and hair and makeup artists who are active in Hollywood, as well as career advice for those who are considering studying or working in LA. Individual and group participation is also possible.
This program is ideal as a trial period for those who would like to work in the beauty industry abroad in the future, or as a way to gather local information for those who are considering a salon business abroad.
All local staff are Japanese, so those who are not confident in their daily English conversation skills can participate in this program.

Beginners in nail art are also welcome ! We also offer a program where you can learn manicure, pedicure, and gel nail art.
You can learn the basics of nail art at a nail salon where celebrities from all over the world gather. A diploma will be issued upon completion of the program.
We also offer a support program for manicurists in Japan to obtain a CA manicure license.


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