Asia Pacific Healthcare Venture, a non-profit organization, provides comprehensive medical services for children and the elderly. We offer outpatient services, telemedicine ( online medical services ) and telephone medical services upon request, including health checkups, gynecological checkups, infant checkups, and regular visits for those with chronic diseases. Please feel free to contact us.

Asia Pacific Healthcare Venture, a non-profit organization, provides comprehensive medical services for children and the elderly.
We have affordable programs for those without insurance, international students, and low-income people, as well as insurance and
medical fee waiver programs available based on family structure and income. We can also help you with insurance and program procedures if necessary.

We offer outpatient care, telemedicine ( online care ) and telephone care, as well as medical services for physical examinations, gynecological checkups, infant checkups, regular visits for those with chronic diseases, and other services upon request. Please feel free to contact us.

Routine Medical Examination
Sick Visit
School Examination ( School/Sports Physical)
Various Vaccinations
OB/GYN Pregnancy Examination (appointment required )
Pregnancy Examination
Cervical Cancer Vaccination for cervical cancer
Cervical cancer screening program ( PAP Smear)
Breast cancer screening program ( Mammogram)
Counseling services
Social worker counseling
Dietary guidance by nutritionist Dietary guidance

Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc
State Histric Park

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